Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 48 85.4

line true false branch
27 0 11 if ($_[$i] =~ /^-/) { }
48 10 159 unless (eval { do { $got->isa('PDL') } })
51 5 154 unless (eval { do { $expected->isa('PDL') } })
54 6 148 if ($OPTIONS{'EQUAL_TYPES'} and $got->type != $expected->type)
57 6 142 if ($got->ndims != $expected->ndims)
60 3 139 unless (_dimensions_match([$got->dims], [$expected->dims]))
64 3 136 if ($got->badflag == 1 || $expected->badflag == 1 and not eval { do { PDL::all(&PDL::isbad($got) == &PDL::isbad($expected)) } })
69 63 73 if ($got->type < PDL::float() and $expected->type < PDL::float()) { }
70 3 60 unless (eval { do { PDL::all($got == $expected) } })
76 24 49 unless (eval { do { PDL::all(_approx($got, $expected)) } })
90 3 103 if ($a != $b)
101 1 25 if (eval { do { $name->isa('PDL') } })
0 0 if (eval { do { $name->isa('PDL') } })
105 15 10 if (my $reason = _comparison_fails($got, $expected)) { }
109 14 1 if $got->isa('PDL')
0 0 if $got->isa('PDL')
110 13 2 eval { do { not $got->isnull if $got->isa('PDL') } } ? :
14 1 if $expected->isa('PDL')
13 2 eval { do { not $expected->isnull if $expected->isa('PDL') } } ? :
0 0 eval { do { not $got->isnull if $got->isa('PDL') } } ? :
130 24 90 if ($reason) { }
146 27 9 scalar @_ > 1 ? :
165 1 33 unless grep {$key eq $_;} keys %OPTIONS
166 1 32 unless defined $value