Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 30 66.6

line true false branch
40 3 0 unless (@_)
50 0 3 if (not $no_plan || _builder()->expected_tests and _builder()->current_test > 0)
70 9 7 if -r $File::Find::name and $File::Find::name =~ /\.pm$/ or $File::Find::name =~ /\.pod$/
74 3 0 if @lib_dirs
94 0 8 if $pkg eq 'main'
98 8 0 $message ? :
113 0 8 unless $$res{'success'}
118 8 0 if (my $charset = 'HTTP::Headers'->new(%{$$res{'headers'};})->content_type_charset)
124 0 8 unless $payload
125 4 4 unless defined $$payload[0]{'mod_vers'}
126 1 3 if $$payload[0]{'mod_vers'} eq 'undef'
131 2 1 unless (defined $current_version)
135 1 0 $metafile ? :
136 1 0 if $dist_metadata
140 1 1 unless $dist_provides and $current_version