Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 48 68.7

line true false branch
16 0 16 if ('Test::More'->can('TB_PROVIDER_META')) { }
27 16 0 unless $@
43 0 16 'Test::More'->can('TB_PROVIDER_META') ? :
75 1 16 if ($ENV{'BAIL_ON_FAIL'})
79 1 15 if (not $bail_set and $ENV{'DIE_ON_FAIL'})
83 1 43 if ('bail' eq $_[$i])
92 1 44 if ('timeit' eq $_[$i])
104 0 34 if (grep {$_ eq $do_not_import_by_default;} @_) { }
113 1 51 if (not $bail_set and 'die' eq $_[$i])
119 1 50 if ($_[$i] =~ /^-(.*)/)
122 0 1 unless (exists $modules_to_load{$module})
130 1 49 if ($_[$i] =~ /^!(.*)/)
136 1 48 if ('defer_plan' eq $_[$i])
138 0 1 unless $ENV{'DO_NOT_WARN_ON_DEFER_PLAN'}
160 0 67 if (my $error = $@)
180 0 2 unless ($HAVE_TIME_HIRES)
184 1 1 unless ($message)
204 5 9 ref $_ ? :
254 1 0 if ($builder->{'TEST_MOST_deferred_plan'})
256 1 0 @_ ? :
268 0 38 if ($builder->{'TEST_MOST_test_failed'})
287 0 0 if ($builder->{'TEST_MOST_test_failed'})
296 0 16 if ($builder->{'TEST_MOST_deferred_plan'} and not $builder->{'TEST_MOST_all_done'})