Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 100 142 70.4

line true false branch
93 0 100 if $@
102 1100 1400 if (grep {/^$method$/;} keys %available_methods) { }
104 0 1100 if $@
160 14 15 if (scalar @_ == 3 and $_[0] =~ /^[a-z_]+$/ and $_[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { }
167 0 14 if ($matchingsql and $matchingsql ne '')
201 5 1 if (scalar @_ == 3 and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $_[1] =~ /^\d+$/) { }
212 1 5 if ($args{'sql'}) { }
214 0 1 ref $args{'sql'} eq 'Regexp' ? :
258 58 88 if $args{'sql'}
260 1 145 unless ($method)
265 1 144 if (ref $method)
270 1 57 if ($sql and (ref $sql and ref $sql ne 'Regexp'))
275 1 142 unless (exists $args{'retval'})
280 133 9 unless $$self{'methods'}{$method}
282 57 85 if ($sql) { }
284 0 57 if $args{'errstr'}
285 0 57 if $args{'err'}
286 52 5 ref $sql eq 'Regexp' ? :
289 17 68 if $args{'errstr'}
290 17 68 if $args{'err'}
319 1 4 if (not $sql or ref $sql)
323 1 3 unless ($p_num =~ /^\d+$/)
379 21 45 if ($args{'err'})
384 21 45 if ($args{'errstr'})
389 0 66 if $$obj{'PrintError'} and $$obj{'errstr'}
390 0 0 $$obj{'errstr'} ? :
0 66 if $$obj{'RaiseError'}
409 0 130 unless exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}
413 130 0 if ($sql)
418 45 2 if ($sql =~ /$$self{'_regexes'}{$key}/)
428 17 68 if (exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'default'}{'err'} and exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'default'}{'errstr'})
458 3 0 if ($sql =~ /\Q$key\E/ms)
459 3 0 if ($$self{'inoutvalues'}{$key}{$p_num})
460 3 0 wantarray ? :
491 255 176 unless exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}
495 149 27 if ($sql)
504 52 21 $key =~ /\(\?\^/ ? :
506 45 28 if ($sql =~ /$$self{'_regexes'}{$key}/ and exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'sqls'}{$key}{'retval'})
509 45 0 if (wantarray) { }
518 88 43 if (exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'default'}{'retval'})
519 88 0 wantarray ? :
547 4 0 if ($sql =~ /$$self{'_regexes'}{$key}/)
549 4 0 if ($$self{'methods'}{$method}{'sqls'}{$key}{'bad_params'} and ref $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'sqls'}{$key}{'bad_params'} eq 'ARRAY')
553 4 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($param) and &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($bad_param))
554 2 2 if $param == $bad_param
556 0 2 if $param eq $bad_param
562 10 20 if (exists $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'global_bad_params'} and ref $$self{'methods'}{$method}{'global_bad_params'} eq 'ARRAY')
564 1 9 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($param) and &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($bad_param))
565 0 1 if $param == $bad_param
567 3 7 if $param eq $bad_param
611 0 6 unless defined $hash_ref
612 0 6 unless ref $hash_ref eq 'HASH'
616 0 3 if length $string > 0
618 0 3 if ($use_neat) { }
622 3 0 defined $value ? :
638 0 6 unless (defined $num_sort)
641 0 0 !DBI::looks_like_number($_) ? :
647 0 0 unless $a <=> $b
648 0 6 $num_sort ? :
663 0 0 if (not defined $thing or $thing eq '') { }
667 0 0 $thing =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ ? :
670 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
688 3 53 if ($status)
689 1 2 if (ref $retval eq 'CODE')
736 9 0 if exists $$object{$key}
754 2 8 if (ref $retval[0] eq 'CODE') { }
770 10 7 if (ref $retval eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 6 elsif (ref $retval eq 'HASH') { }
773 2 8 if (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 8 elsif (ref $item eq 'HASH') { }
8 0 elsif (not ref $item) { }