Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 36 100.0

line true false branch
46 499 3 if $package ne 'UNIVERSAL::ref'
56 335 168 unless defined $$stubs{$method_call->name}
59 139 85 if $stub->satisfied_by($method_call)
70 0 2760 unless ref $object
72 2 2758 unless exists $$object{$attribute}
92 14 2 if /^No arguments allowed after a slurpy type constraint/ms or /^Slurpy argument must be a type of ArrayRef or HashRef/ms
98 4 249 if $Test::Mocha::Mock::num_method_calls != 1
105 4 245 if (defined $Test::Mocha::Mock::last_execution)
125 3 29 if $caller eq $package
205 46 287 if ref $x ne ref $y
208 32 255 if (blessed $x or ref $x eq 'CODE')
214 14 241 if (ref $x eq 'ARRAY')
215 2 12 if $#{$x;} != $#{$y;}
219 4 30 unless match($$x[$_], $$y[$_])
224 8 233 if (ref $x eq 'HASH')
226 2 6 unless $x ~~ $y
230 2 9 unless match($$x{$_}, $$y{$_})
237 22 211 if looks_like_number $x xor looks_like_number $y