Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 107 158 67.7

line true false branch
85 0 26 if ("$]" >= 5.008 and $INC{''})
91 0 0 if ($use_ithreads)
96 26 0 unless (defined &THREADSAFE)
142 54 0 if (defined $item)
143 37 17 if ($item eq 'import') { }
0 17 elsif ($item eq 'no_diag') { }
152 37 17 if ($splice) { }
188 3 6 if (@imports == grep(/^!/, @imports))
197 0 56 if ($stubbed{$_}) { }
55 1 elsif (/^!/ or not exists $$more_stash{$_} or exists $$leaner_stash{$_}) { }
210 0 8 unless $test_more_import
219 0 8 if $no_diag
289 0 16 unless $key
293 0 16 if defined $plan
297 3 13 if ($key eq 'no_plan') { }
10 3 elsif ($key eq 'tests') { }
3 0 elsif ($key eq 'skip_all') { }
298 0 3 if $value
301 0 10 unless defined $value
302 0 10 unless $value
303 0 10 unless $value =~ /^\+?[0-9]+$/
310 3 0 if (defined $value)
312 3 0 if length $value
319 13 3 if (defined $plan_str)
324 3 13 if $plan == -2
334 9 30 if (@_)
356 0 3 if (not defined $count) { }
0 3 elsif ($count =~ /[^0-9]/) { }
357 0 0 unless defined $plan and $plan == -1
369 3 0 if (defined $reason)
371 3 0 if length $reason
396 1 1 unless defined $count
397 0 2 unless $count =~ /^\+?[0-9]+$/
400 1 1 if (not defined $plan or $plan == -1) { }
406 0 1 if ($done_testing) { }
0 1 elsif ($plan != $count) { }
435 77 169 unless ($ok)
439 28 218 if (defined $desc)
441 28 0 if length $desc
569 0 65 unless defined $name
579 0 65 if $@
621 17 91 unless ($handler)
640 26 0 if (eval { do { require Scalar::Util; 1 } }) { }
658 0 0 unless length ref $r
662 0 0 length ref $$r ? :
0 0 exists $tmap{$t} ? :
674 1146 4283 if ($ry eq 'ARRAY') { }
2123 2160 elsif ($ry eq 'HASH') { }
2160 0 elsif ($ry eq 'SCALAR' or $ry eq 'REF') { }
675 10 1136 unless $#$x == $#$y
683 6 3331 if defined $ex xor defined $ey
685 1140 2191 if not +(ref $ex xor ref $ey) and $ex eq $ey
688 0 2191 if _reftype $ex ne $ry
690 6 2185 unless $ry and _deep_ref_check($ex, $ey, $ry)
695 6 2117 unless keys %$x == keys %$y
699 2 2119 unless exists $$x{$_}
704 4 2115 if defined $ex xor defined $ey
706 7 2108 if not +(ref $ex xor ref $ey) and $ex eq $ey
709 2 2106 if _reftype $ex ne $ry
711 8 2098 unless $ry and _deep_ref_check($ex, $ey, $ry)
727 4 2254 if defined $x xor defined $y
733 1086 1168 if not +(ref $x xor ref $y) and $x eq $y
738 10 1158 if _reftype $x ne $ry
742 18 1140 unless $ry
759 0 2 unless @_
762 0 2 if $no_diag
764 2 0 defined $_ ? :
766 0 2 unless length $msg
815 1 1 if (defined $desc)
817 1 0 if length $desc
827 25 0 if ($main_process == $$ and not $?)
830 16 9 if (defined $plan)
831 0 16 if ($failed) { }
11 5 elsif ($plan >= 0) { }
832 0 0 $failed <= 254 ? :
834 11 0 $test == $plan ? :
836 2 14 if ($plan == -1)
863 29 0 if (@_)
891 24 0 if (@_)