Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 68 81 83.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
126 7 51 0 $options->{'validate_data'} and $options->{'validate_json_string'}
132 57 0 1 $options->{'add_resource'} and -d $self->additional_resources
139 1 0 2 $path->is_file and $path =~ /\.json$/u
161 191 9 23 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'file'}
9 12 11 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'file'} and not grep(($_ eq $one_file->{'file'}), ref $options->{'tests'}{'file'} eq "ARRAY" ? @{$$options{"tests"}{"file"}} : $options->{'tests'}{'file'})
169 849 15 38 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'group_description'}
15 14 24 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'group_description'} and not grep(($_ eq $test_group->{'description'}), ref $options->{'tests'}{'group_description'} eq "ARRAY" ? @{$$options{"tests"}{"group_description"}} : $options->{'tests'}{'group_description'})
180 27 19 28 !$o->{'file'} || grep(($_ eq $one_file->{'file'}), ref $o->{'file'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'file'}} : $o->{'file'}) and !$o->{'group_description'} || grep(($_ eq $test_group->{'description'}), ref $o->{'group_description'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'group_description'}} : $o->{'group_description'})
181 808 54 16 $options->{'todo_tests'} and &any(sub {
190 0 0 0 XXX && $test_group->{'schema'}{'$schema'}
206 2910 40 48 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'test_description'}
40 17 31 $options->{'tests'} and $options->{'tests'}{'test_description'} and not grep(($_ eq $test->{'description'}), ref $options->{'tests'}{'test_description'} eq "ARRAY" ? @{$$options{"tests"}{"test_description"}} : $options->{'tests'}{'test_description'})
212 2862 58 47 ref $options->{'skip_tests'} eq "ARRAY" and grep((($test_group->{'description'} . " - " . $test->{'description'}) =~ /$_/u), @{$$options{"skip_tests"}})
222 81 57 84 !$o->{'file'} || grep(($_ eq $one_file->{'file'}), ref $o->{'file'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'file'}} : $o->{'file'}) and !$o->{'group_description'} || grep(($_ eq $test_group->{'description'}), ref $o->{'group_description'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'group_description'}} : $o->{'group_description'})
224 2757 149 61 $options->{'todo_tests'} and &any(sub {
242 3 56 153 !($_->{'file'} =~ m[^optional/]u) && $_->{'todo_fail'} + $_->{'fail'}
0 13 45 not $self->test_dir =~ /\boptional\b/u and grep((!($_->{'file'} =~ m[^optional/]u) && $_->{'todo_fail'} + $_->{'fail'}), @results)
462 0 31 3 $submodule_status->exists and $submodule_status->parent->subsumes($self->test_dir)
31 0 0 $test_dir eq $orig_dir and not -d ".git"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
471 34 0 $self->specification // "unknown"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
123 51 7 0 $options->{'validate_data'} or $options->{'validate_json_string'}
180 25 22 27 !$o->{'file'} || grep(($_ eq $one_file->{'file'}), ref $o->{'file'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'file'}} : $o->{'file'})
17 11 19 !$o->{'group_description'} || grep(($_ eq $test_group->{'description'}), ref $o->{'group_description'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'group_description'}} : $o->{'group_description'})
222 48 13 23 not $o->{'test_description'} or grep(($_ eq $test->{'description'}), ref $o->{'test_description'} eq "ARRAY" ? @{$$o{"test_description"}} : $o->{'test_description'})
75 66 81 !$o->{'file'} || grep(($_ eq $one_file->{'file'}), ref $o->{'file'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'file'}} : $o->{'file'})
51 33 57 !$o->{'group_description'} || grep(($_ eq $test_group->{'description'}), ref $o->{'group_description'} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$$o{'group_description'}} : $o->{'group_description'})

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
358 8 4591 2767 0 $flags & 1024 xor $flags & 768