Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 104 80.7

line true false branch
53 164 0 unless @_
67 2 46 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $libs
92 42 336 if ($method eq 'lib' or $method eq 'switches') { }
95 436 97 unless (@_)
99 216 220 wantarray ? :
101 1 96 if @_ > 1
104 3 93 unless ref $args
112 2514 720 unless @_
437 164 1510 if (defined $property)
441 0 164 if ($self->_error)
448 90 3 unless defined $self->jobs
450 93 0 unless (defined $self->rules)
455 93 0 unless -t ($arg_for{'stdout'} || \*STDOUT) and not $ENV{'HARNESS_NOTTY'}
461 93 0 unless ($self->formatter)
468 185 745 if (defined(my $property = delete $arg_for{$name}))
478 1 90 if (my(@props) = sort(keys %arg_for))
490 1 91 defined $ENV{'HARNESS_RULESFILE'} ? :
1 92 defined $self->rulesfile ? :
492 4 89 if (defined $rulesfile and -r $rulesfile)
493 0 4 unless (eval { do { require CPAN::Meta::YAML; 1 } })
497 0 4 $] lt '5.008' ? :
498 0 4 unless open my $fh, "<$layer", $rulesfile
501 0 4 unless my $yaml = 'CPAN::Meta::YAML'->read_string($yaml_text)
562 0 44 if ($self->trap) { }
600 2 0 $explanation ? :
618 5 1 if not defined $job or $job->is_spinner
624 5 0 if (my($parser, $stash, $result) = $mux->next)
626 5 0 if (defined $result) { }
628 1 4 if $result->is_bailout
649 0 106 if $job->is_spinner
655 1 434 if ($result->is_bailout)
733 10 69 if $self->formatter->verbosity > 0
739 1 78 if ($self->jobs > 1) { }
754 112 10 @$_ == 1 ? :
755 10 112 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ ? :
791 2 105 if $self->sources
794 107 0 if $self->lib
795 107 0 if $self->switches
800 0 107 if $self->version
802 7 100 if (my $exec = $self->exec) { }
804 4 3 ref $exec eq 'CODE' ? :
807 1 6 if (not defined $args{'exec'}) { }
2 4 elsif ((ref $args{'exec'} || '') ne 'ARRAY') { }
818 2 105 if (defined(my $test_args = $self->test_args))
820 1 1 if (ref $test_args eq 'HASH')
823 1 0 if (exists $$test_args{$job->description}) { }
880 2 106 if (my $spool_dir = $ENV{'PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP'})
888 0 2 if $@
891 1 1 unless open $spool_handle, ">$spool"
904 2 104 if (my $spool_handle = $parser->delete_spool)
905 1 1 unless close $spool_handle
914 0 4 unless ($message)