Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 70 80.0

line true false branch
26 2 13 unless $self->_is_filehandle($ref)
36 0 15 unless defined $ref
38 2 13 if ref $ref eq 'GLOB'
39 1 12 if not ref $ref and ref \$ref eq 'GLOB'
41 10 2 if eval { do { $ref->can('print') } }
89 278 757 if (defined $property)
95 0 93 if (my(@props) = keys %arg_for)
100 80 13 unless $self->stdout
102 2 91 if ($self->color)
221 84 23 if length $test > $longest
235 0 105 if ($self->timer) { }
281 6 38 if $self->silent
291 0 38 if ($self->timer)
295 0 38 if $interrupted
301 24 14 if ($aggregate->all_passed)
306 15 23 if ($total != $passed or $aggregate->has_problems)
325 0 15 if (my $exit = $parser->exit) { }
0 15 elsif (my $wait = $parser->wait) { }
334 4 11 if (my(@errors) = $parser->parse_errors)
336 0 4 if (@errors > $MAX_ERRORS and not $self->errors)
353 0 4 if $explain
367 15 15 $method eq 'failed' ? :
369 13 17 if (my(@r) = $parser->$method)
371 12 1 'ARRAY' eq ref $name ? :
373 13 0 @r == 1 ? :
385 2 15 if $self->_printed_summary_header
387 15 0 unless $spaces
390 0 15 unless defined $wait
417 16 1 if ($curr < $limit) { }
1 0 elsif (@range) { }
429 14 0 if ($line)
446 6 19 if (defined $next and $next == $num + 1) { }
4 15 elsif (defined $min) { }
447 4 2 unless (defined $min)
464 31 23 $parser->has_problems ? :