Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 22 95.4

line true false branch
246 309 1 if (my $language = $language_for{$version}) { }
250 23 286 if (my $setup = $language->{'setup'})
289 267 1324 unless (defined $line)
297 1292 1618 if ($line =~ /$token_data->{'syntax'}/)
304 32 1292 unless $token
385 1 12 if ($directive eq 'SKIP' and 0 != $tests_planned and $self->{'version'} < 13)
406 819 46 defined $num ? :
135 730 defined $dir ? :
458 10 40 if @extra
460 40 0 if $line =~ /$strip/
490 1193 932 unless defined $data