Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 94 68.0

line true false branch
240 4 3 if (ref $tag) { }
250 1 6 unless ($ok)
251 1 0 ref $tag ? :
276 0 4 unless ($ok)
299 0 1 unless ($ok)
322 0 1 unless ($ok)
344 1 0 if (ref $text_to_match eq 'Regexp')
351 0 1 unless ref $elem eq 'HTML::Element'
354 1 0 if ($pattern) { }
366 0 1 unless ($ok)
402 3 0 if ($matches)
408 0 3 unless ($ok)
448 2 1 if ($select_elem) { }
449 0 2 unless (UNIVERSAL::can($select_elem, 'descendants'))
454 0 12 unless ref $option and lc $option->tag eq 'option'
455 2 10 if (_compare($option, $field_value))
465 1 2 unless ($ok)
504 1 0 if (_compare($checkbox, $field_value))
511 0 1 unless ($ok)
535 5 3 if ($parsed_file_forms{$args->{'filename'}}{$internal_form_name})
536 4 1 if ($parsed_files{$args->{'filename'}}{'md5'} eq _get_md5_sum($args->{'filename'}))
546 0 4 if ($form_name) { }
547 0 0 if $form->attr('name') eq $form_name
548 0 0 if $form->attr('id') eq $form_name
554 4 0 if (ref $form)
557 0 130 unless ref $node
558 24 106 if (lc($node->tag) =~ /^(input|select|textarea|button)$/i)
559 6 18 if (lc $node->attr('type') =~ /(radio|checkbox)/) { }
586 3 73 if $thisnode->as_trimmed_text =~ /$pattern/i
604 0 16 unless ($elem and ref $elem eq 'HTML::Element')
609 0 16 ref $field_value eq 'Regexp' ? :
611 11 5 unless (defined $value)
615 0 16 if ($have_regexp) { }
616 0 0 $elem && $value =~ /$field_value/ ? :
618 6 10 $elem && $value eq $field_value ? :
627 14 1 if (ref $attr_ref eq 'HASH') { }
629 3 11 if (ref $attr_ref->{'_content'} eq 'Regexp')
635 3 11 if ($pattern)
637 0 2 unless ref $_[0] eq 'HTML::Element'
657 1 76 if $node->as_trimmed_text =~ /$text/
665 3 20 unless ($parsed_files{$filename})
669 19 1 if ($parsed_files{$filename}{'md5'} eq _get_md5_sum($filename)) { }
683 2 2 if (ref $filename and $filename->can('content')) { }
686 0 2 unless -f $filename
697 4 25 if (ref $filename and $filename->can('content')) { }
700 0 25 unless -f $filename
701 0 25 unless open my $fh, '<', $filename