Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 120 60.8

line true false branch
323 0 12 unless 'Test::Builder'->can('create')
425 3 48 if ($subTest->is_skipped)
430 1 47 if ($subTest->got_exception)
435 1 0 "$exn" ? :
0 1 ref $exn && $Data::Dumper::VERSION ? :
0 1 eval { do { $exn->can('stringify') } } ? :
0 1 !defined($exn) ? :
446 0 1 if ($classstate_logfd) { }
456 35 13 if exists $$subTest{'result'}
471 6 7 $OK ? :
507 2 0 unless $classstate_skipcounter and $classstate_skipcounter > $counter
549 0 1 if (not defined $criteria) { }
0 1 elsif (not ref $criteria) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $criteria eq 'Regexp') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $criteria eq 'CODE') { }
643 0 1 unless $classstate_logfd = 'IO::File'->new("> $classstate_logfile")
668 0 2 unless 'Test::Builder'->new->can('subtest')
726 8 75 if $current_todo
730 13 70 if $class->current and $class->current->mute
753 6 77 if ($classstate_skipcounter) { }
0 77 elsif (not &$classstate_testonly_criteria($$self{'name'})) { }
756 2 4 unless $classstate_skipcounter
763 0 77 if $classstate_verbose
767 0 77 if (my(@plugins) = @classstate_plugins)
772 35 42 if ($classstate_use_subtest) { }
797 5 37 if ($exception_raised)
798 5 0 if ($classstate_catchexceptions) { }
823 1216 84 if (@_ == 1) { }
842 0 0 if defined $$self{'reblessed_from'}
844 0 0 if defined $$self{'parent'}
862 45 40 if (@mute) { }
889 1034 26 $status ? :
890 17 1043 if defined $testname
900 17 1043 if $todo
903 17 1043 if defined $todo
906 0 1060 if ($classstate_verbose and $classstate_verbose >= 2)
908 0 0 if ($nums =~ tr/.// < $classstate_verbose)
909 0 0 $status ? :
910 0 0 if defined $testname
916 0 26 unless ($status or $self->mute)
917 0 0 $todo ? :
919 0 0 if (defined $testname) { }
921 0 0 unless ($Test::Group::InPredicate)
949 3 0 if $$self{'mute'}
1006 3072 35 if $$_{'status'}
1097 0 105 unless wantarray
1102 0 105 if ($self->is_skipped) { }
54 51 elsif ($self->got_exception or not $self->subtests or $self->unexcused_failure_subtests) { }
18 33 elsif ($self->unexpected_success_subtests) { }
16 17 elsif ($self->todo_subtests) { }
1119 71 34 unless (defined $TODO_string)
1120 12 59 if $$self{'name'} =~ /\bTODO\b/
1121 15 56 if $$self{'in_todo'}
1153 11 31 if (defined $class->current) { }
1178 31 11 if (defined $$self{'orig_testbuilder'}) { }
1205 0 0 if @nums
1249 0 0 if ($plugin) { }
1287 0 0 defined $Error::THROWN ? :
5 0 ref $@ || defined $@ && length $@ > 0 ? :
1307 0 37 unless $$_{'todo'}