Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 36 58.3

line true false branch
31 0 7 if ($TEST_DIFF)
43 0 19 unless (ref $test eq 'CODE')
55 7 12 if (my $filter = $ENV{'SUBTEST_FILTER'})
56 4 3 if ($caption =~ qr/$filter/ or $in_filter) { }
84 0 15 if $e and not eval { do { $e->isa('Test::Builder::Exception') } }
86 1 14 if ($is_skip_all) { }
0 14 elsif ($tests and $$builder{'Curr_Test'} != $current_test + $tests) { }
0 14 elsif ($$builder{'Curr_Test'} == $current_test) { }
108 0 0 $plan == 1 ? :
119 0 4 unless $cmd
121 0 4 if $$self{'Have_Plan'}
123 1 3 if ($cmd eq 'no_plan') { }
1 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'skip_all') { }
2 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'tests') { }
130 1 0 unless $self->no_header
135 2 0 if ($arg) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $arg) { }
137 0 2 unless ($arg =~ /^\+?\d+$/)