Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 54 46.3

line true false branch
38 0 3 if ($_[0] and $_[0] eq 'no_plan')
47 0 2 unless _is_perl_module($_) or _is_perl_script($_)
51 3 0 @_ ? :
52 1 2 if ref $base_dirs[-1] eq 'HASH'
57 2 12 if -d $File::Find::name and $chunks[-1] eq 'CVS' || $chunks[-1] eq '.svn' || $chunks[-2] eq 'blib' && $chunks[-1] eq 'libdoc' || $chunks[-2] eq 'blib' && $chunks[-1] =~ /^man[0-9]$/ || $chunks[-1] eq 'inc'
64 1 21 if $chunks[-1] eq 'Build'
65 12 9 unless -f $File::Find::name and -r _
98 0 0 $options->{'show_lines'} ? :
105 6 1 unless ref $_[0]
107 1 6 if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
114 0 7 unless (open my $fh, $file)
121 0 963 if (not $options->{'trailing_whitespace'} and /(\r+)$/)
125 0 963 if ($options->{'trailing_whitespace'} and /([ \t]*\r+|[ \t]+)$/)
131 0 963 if @fails > 0 and not $options->{'all_reasons'}
133 0 7 if (@fails)
135 0 0 if ($options->{'all_reasons'} or 1)
147 0 2 if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
156 0 2 unless $_[0] =~ /\.pm$/i
165 0 0 if $file =~ /\.pl$/i
166 0 0 if $file =~ /\.t$/
167 0 0 unless open my $fh, $file
169 0 0 if defined $first and $first =~ /$PERL_PATTERN/
175 7 0 unless $file =~ /::/
180 0 0 unless -e $candidate and -f _ and -r _
187 0 2 if $no_plan
188 2 0 unless ($Test->has_plan)
196 0 0 wantarray ? :