Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 72 62.5

line true false branch
93 1 0 if ($meta) { }
100 1 0 if ($license_file_contents) { }
122 1 0 if (defined $class) { }
123 1 0 if ($class->require) { }
125 1 0 if ($license and $license->isa($class)) { }
146 1 0 if (-r $file)
148 0 1 unless isa_ok $meta, 'CPAN::Meta', 'found CPAN::Meta file'
161 1 2 if (-r $file)
168 1 0 if ($found_file)
189 0 1 if ($remainder) { }
0 1 elsif ($remainder = _remove_license($file_contents, $notice)) { }
1 0 elsif (grep {$remainder = _remove_license($file_contents, $_);} @specials) { }
210 0 2 if $dummy_copyright ne substr($text, 0, length $dummy_copyright)
227 1 2 if ($file_contents =~ /\A(.*)$license_text(.*)\z/msx)
238 3 125 if (my $detail = _parse_copyright_line($line))
254 1 2 unless (defined $copyright)
257 2 1 if (exists $$copyright{$file}) { }
269 8 670 if ($line =~ /$COPYRIGHT_REGEX/)
276 2 6 if ($properties{'non_matching'} =~ /\<($Email::Address::addr_spec)\>/msx)
292 5 545 if (my $detail = _parse_copyright_line($line))
308 0 5 unless (exists $$copyright{$DEFAULT}{$holder})
313 0 5 if ($$detail{'initial_year'} < $$years{'initial_year'})
317 0 5 if ($$detail{'final_year'} > $$years{'final_year'})
329 2 1 if (not defined $year or $test > $year)
339 0 1 @_ ? :
344 4 1 if (-d $file)
346 0 4 unless opendir DH, $file
355 1 3 if (-f $filename) { }
363 1 4 if (-f $file)
364 1 0 if _is_perl($file)
371 1 0 if -e 'blib'
378 0 1 if $file =~ /\.PL$/
379 1 0 if $file =~ /\.p(?:l|m|od)$/
380 0 0 if $file =~ /\.t$/
382 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
386 0 0 if defined $first and $first =~ /(?:^#!.*perl)|--\*-Perl-\*--/