Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 69 125 55.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 4 0 1 ref $condition and &reftype($condition) eq 'HASH'
73 1 0 0 defined $limit and $limit ne ''
78 0 0 2 $key ne '' and not $key =~ /^\d+$/
80 0 0 2 defined $condition->{$key} and $condition->{$key} =~ /^\d+$/
99 0 0 4 defined $condition and $condition ne ''
0 0 4 defined $condition and $condition ne '' and not $condition =~ /^\d+$/
100 0 0 4 defined $limit and $limit =~ /^\d+$/
124 0 31 13 defined $key and defined $tc->{'max'}{$key}
143 12 0 1 ref $condition and &reftype($condition) eq 'HASH'
145 1 0 0 defined $limit and $limit ne ''
150 0 0 2 $key ne '' and not $key =~ /^\d+$/
152 0 0 2 defined $condition->{$key} and $condition->{$key} =~ /^\d+$/
163 0 0 12 defined $condition and $condition ne ''
0 0 12 defined $condition and $condition ne '' and not $condition =~ /^\d+$/
164 0 0 12 defined $limit and $limit =~ /^\d+$/
194 0 0 8 defined $key and $key ne ''
212 0 15 35 defined $key and defined $tc->{'expect'}{$key}
225 0 0 84 defined $key and $key ne ''
252 0 0 9 defined $key and $key ne ''
284 0 0 70 defined $key and $key ne ''
292 10 43 17 not defined $tc->{'label'}{$key} and defined $label
53 0 17 not defined $tc->{'label'}{$key} and defined $label and $label ne ''
309 0 0 9 defined $key and $key ne ''
314 0 0 9 defined $tc->{'count'}{$key} and $tc->{'count'}{$key} > 0
327 6 2 1 defined $tc->{'label'}{$key} and defined $label
8 0 1 defined $tc->{'label'}{$key} and defined $label and $tc->{'label'}{$key} eq $label
465 11 1 23 $expected and $limit == 0 || $count <= $limit
6 2 4 $limit and $count <= $limit
468 0 5 5 defined $count and $count >= $expected
603 0 0 1 defined $count and defined $limit
0 1 0 defined $count and defined $limit and $count <= $limit
605 1 1 3 $set and $expected == 1 || $count >= $expected
1 1 2 $set and $expected == 1 || $count >= $expected and $limit == 0 || $count <= $limit
659 0 1 0 $count and $limit
715 0 0 1 defined $key and $key ne ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
98 4 0 $condition ||= ''
162 12 0 $condition ||= ''
451 27 8 $tc->get_count($k) || 0
587 7 2 $tc->get_count($key) || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
465 20 3 1 $limit == 0 || $count <= $limit
605 0 3 1 $expected == 1 || $count >= $expected
0 2 1 $limit == 0 || $count <= $limit