Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 106 66.0

line true false branch
150 0 9 if @_ & 1
151 0 9 if $Test::planned
163 9 4 if ($k =~ /^test(s)?$/) { }
3 1 elsif ($k eq 'todo' or $k eq 'failok') { }
1 0 elsif ($k eq 'onfail') { }
167 0 1 unless ref $v eq 'CODE'
173 3 6 if (@todo) { }
182 0 9 if defined &Win32::BuildNumber and defined &Win32::BuildNumber()
185 0 9 if defined $MacPerl::Version
200 0 9 unless defined $file and length $file and -e $file and -f _ and -r _
202 0 9 unless open SOURCEFILE, "<$file"
227 6 118 ref $v eq 'CODE' ? :
232 2 24 unless defined $str
368 0 65 unless $Test::planned
375 20 45 $repetition > 1 ? :
384 17 48 if (@_ == 0) { }
389 2 46 if (not defined $expected) { }
1 45 elsif (not defined $result) { }
1 44 elsif (ref $expected eq 'Regexp') { }
3 41 elsif (($regex) = $expected =~ m[^ / (.+) / $]sx or (undef, $regex) = $expected =~ /^ m([^\w\s]) (.+) \1 $/sx) { }
404 3 62 if ($todo and $ok) { }
405 3 0 if $todo
409 19 43 if (not $ok) { }
416 4 15 @_ ? :
19 43 unless $ok
433 12 7 if defined $expected
438 4 15 if defined $diag
440 5 14 if $detail->{'todo'}
441 6 13 if (not $detail->{'compare'}) { }
442 6 0 if (not $diag) { }
454 0 13 defined $detail->{'regex'} ? :
456 4 9 $diag ? :
459 2 11 if defined $expected and 2 < $expected =~ tr/\n//
463 18 1 if (defined $Test::Program_Lines{$detail->{'file'}}[$detail->{'line'}])
466 17 1 if $Test::Program_Lines{$detail->{'file'}}[$detail->{'line'}] =~ /[^\s\#\(\)\{\}\[\]\;]/
481 0 2 if $ENV{'PERL_TEST_DIFF'}
483 0 2 if eval { do { require Algorithm::Diff; 'Algorithm::Diff'->VERSION(1.15); 1 } }
485 1 1 unless $Test::told_about_diff++
503 0 0 unless ($got_fh and $exp_fh)
510 0 0 if (close $got_fh and close $exp_fh) { }
513 0 0 if (open DIFF, "$diff_cmd |") { }
543 0 0 unless $diff_kind
546 0 0 $count_lines == 1 ? :
550 0 0 if ($diff_kind eq 'GOT') { }
0 0 elsif ($diff_kind eq 'EXP') { }
0 0 elsif ($diff_kind eq 'CH') { }
556 0 0 if ($count_lines > 1) { }
568 0 0 if ($count_lines > 1) { }
589 0 0 if $diff_kind and $diff_kind ne $kind
697 6 1 if (not @_ or $whyskip) { }
698 2 4 if $whyskip =~ /^\d+$/
704 4 2 if length $whyskip
728 1 4 if @Test::FAILDETAIL and $Test::ONFAIL