Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 98 47.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
81 3 0 0 $content_type and $content_type =~ m[application/json]
116 0 3 0 $req =~ /^([a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,31})$/ and do { $req = $1 // "" }
118 0 0 3 $req && $session
143 1 0 1 $j->response->authenticated and $j->session
177 1 1 2 $self->{'_application'} and $self->{'_application'}->can("_logError")
190 2 0 6 $self->{'_application'} and $self->{'_application'}->can("_logInfo")
207 0 0 6 $code and not $self->{'status_code'}
232 1 5 0 &reftype($self) eq 'HASH' && $self->{'_pretty'}
236 5 1 0 $@ and $die
370 0 0 0 $ref and $ref =~ /ARRAY|HASH/
377 0 0 0 $_ =~ /^_/ and $nodebug
399 132 22 7 Want::want('SCALAR BOOL') && (&reftype($retval) // '') eq 'SCALAR'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
82 0 0 $j->request->raw_body || '{}'
87 3 0 &reftype(scalar $j->params) || ''
108 0 3 $j->{'_sid_path'} || $j->{'_root_path'} || '/'
116 3 0 $1 // ""
202 2 4 &reftype($message) || ''
275 0 0 $status ||= 200
276 0 0 $ct ||= "application/json"
287 0 0 $self->response->status_code || 500
323 1 2 $ct ||= "application/json"
326 0 3 $status || 200

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
118 0 0 3 not $req && $session or $PRIVATE{$req}
127 0 3 0 ref $j->session && $j->session->expires || time + 86400
139 0 0 2 $j->is_login or $j->is_logout
143 0 0 1 $j->is_login or $j->is_logout
1 0 1 $j->response->authenticated and $j->session or ($j->is_login or $j->is_logout)
237 5 0 1 $out || $@
270 0 0 3 $t->{'websocket'} or not $t->{'_websocket_class'}
274 0 0 0 $sid ||= $self->sid
286 0 0 0 $@ or $self->response->error
307 2 1 0 $self->response->{'status_code'} ||= $status
355 18 2 22 $refnode eq "HASH" or $refnode eq "ARRAY"
401 0 88 66 $_[1] // $retval
100 6 48 ($_[1] // $retval) // $miss
402 17 0 137 ref $_[0]{$key} eq "HASH" or ref $_[0]{$key} eq "ARRAY"