Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 182 17.5

line true false branch
108 0 1 unless (defined $buffered)
151 0 0 if (my $seq = $Term::WinConsole::sequences{$sub}) { }
153 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
154 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
203 1 0 if (defined $offset) { }
215 0 1 if (not defined stackDel($self, $idx)) { }
231 2 2 if ($_ == $idx)
247 0 0 if ($$_{'title'} eq $title)
261 1 0 unless (defined $idx)
266 0 1 if (not defined $offset) { }
278 0 0 unless (defined $idx)
283 0 0 if (defined $offset)
320 0 0 if ($destCol > $$screen{'width'})
322 0 0 if ($destRow > $$screen{'height'})
338 0 0 if (defined $win) { }
339 0 0 if ($win < $#{$$self{'miniwin'};}) { }
357 0 0 if (not $gathering) { }
358 0 0 if ($$self{'frontAtt'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] != ${$backAtt;}[$row - 1][$col - 1] or substr($$self{'frontTxt'}[$row - 1], $col - 1, 1) ne substr(@{$backTxt;}[$row - 1], $col - 1, 1) and $$self{'zBuffer'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] == $win || $win == 0)
374 0 0 if ($curAtt == ${$backAtt;}[$row - 1][$col - 1] and $$self{'frontAtt'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] != ${$backAtt;}[$row - 1][$col - 1] || substr($$self{'frontTxt'}[$row - 1], $col - 1, 1) ne substr(@{$backTxt;}[$row - 1], $col - 1, 1) and ($$self{'zBuffer'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] != $win and $win != 0)) { }
396 0 0 if ($gathering)
407 0 0 unless ($_)
425 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
434 0 0 if (defined $win) { }
435 0 0 if ($win < $#{$$self{'miniwin'};}) { }
461 0 0 if ($$self{'zBuffer'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] == $win or $win == 0)
467 0 0 if ($$self{'frontAtt'}[$row - 1][$col - 1] != $lastAtt)
485 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
499 7 0 if ($$current{'border'}) { }
506 0 7 unless $column and $row
509 0 7 if ($column < 0)
512 0 7 if ($row < 0)
516 7 0 if ($row <= $$current{'height'} - $modif) { }
519 0 0 if ($$current{'carrRet'}) { }
528 7 0 if ($column <= $$current{'width'} - $modif) { }
531 0 0 if ($$current{'carrRet'}) { }
559 0 0 if ($$current{'border'})
584 0 0 unless ($col)
588 0 0 unless ($row)
650 0 0 if ($Term::WinConsole::USECOLOR)
653 0 0 if ($Term::WinConsole::attcode{$key} == $val)
657 0 0 if ($Term::WinConsole::attcode{$key} == $val)
663 0 0 if (substr $val, -$idx, 1)
665 0 0 if ($Term::WinConsole::attcode{$_} == 2 ** ($idx + 5))
694 0 0 if ($winId > 0 and $winId < $#{$$self{'miniwin'};}) { }
696 0 0 if ($$self{'winActive'} == $winId)
720 3 0 if ($winId <= $#{$$self{'miniwin'};} and defined $$self{'miniwin'}[$winId]) { }
744 0 0 if ($col > 0 and $col <= $$self{'miniwin'}[0]{'width'} - $$self{'miniwin'}[$$self{'winActive'}]{'width'} + 1) { }
757 0 0 if ($row > 0 and $row <= $$self{'miniwin'}[0]{'height'} - $$self{'miniwin'}[$$self{'winActive'}]{'height'} + 1) { }
772 0 0 if ($width > 0 and $width <= length $$current{'backTxt'}[0]) { }
787 0 0 if ($height > 0 and $height <= $#{$$current{'backTxt'};} + 1) { }
801 0 3 unless (defined $title)
802 0 3 unless (defined $colTop)
803 0 3 unless (defined $rowTop)
804 0 3 unless (defined $width)
805 0 3 unless (defined $height)
806 0 3 unless (defined $border)
807 0 3 unless (defined $cr)
808 0 3 unless (defined $pattern)
810 3 0 if ($#{$$self{'miniwin'};} < $Term::WinConsole::MAXWIN) { }
812 2 1 if (defined @{$$self{'miniwin'};})
815 0 2 if ($colTop >= $$screen{'width'})
818 0 2 if ($rowTop >= $$screen{'height'})
821 0 2 if ($colTop + $width - 1 > $$screen{'width'})
824 0 2 if ($height + $rowTop - 1 > $$screen{'height'})
851 1 2 if (not defined @{$$self{'miniwin'};}) { }
885 4 0 if ($$current{'border'})
961 0 0 if ($$current{'border'}) { }
967 0 0 if ($char ne "\n") { }
969 0 0 if (&gotoCR($self, $col, $row)) { }
990 0 0 if ($$current{'border'}) { }
996 0 0 if ($char ne "\n") { }
1025 0 0 if ($$current{'border'})
1031 0 0 if ($$current{'width'} - $modif > length $slice) { }
1041 0 0 if ($chars =~ /$slice/)
1058 0 0 unless ($dist)
1062 0 0 if ($$current{'border'})
1066 0 0 if ($dir eq 'down' or $dir eq 'd')
1080 0 0 if ($dir eq 'right' or $dir eq 'r')
1094 0 0 if ($dir eq 'up' or $dir eq 'u')
1108 0 0 if ($dir eq 'left' or $dir eq 'l')
1164 0 0 if (defined $attref)
1168 0 0 if ($$current{'border'})
1172 0 0 if ($dir eq 'up' or $dir eq 'u' or $dir eq 'down' or $dir eq 'd')
1175 0 0 if (length $saveText[0] < $$current{'width'} - $modif * 2 or defined $attref and $#{@{$attref;}[0];} < $$current{'width'} - 1 - $modif * 2) { }
1186 0 0 if ($dir eq 'left' or $dir eq 'l' or $dir eq 'right' or $dir eq 'r')
1189 0 0 if ($#saveText < $$current{'height'} - 1 - $modif * 2 or defined $attref and $#{@{$attref;};} < $$current{'height'} - 1 - $modif * 2) { }
1200 0 0 if ($dir eq 'up' or $dir eq 'u')
1208 0 0 if ($dir eq 'left' or $dir eq 'l')
1216 0 0 if ($dir eq 'down' or $dir eq 'd')
1224 0 0 if ($dir eq 'right' or $dir eq 'r')
1236 0 0 if (@saveAtt) { }