Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 246 17.4

line true false branch
82 0 250 unless /(\w+)([\=\:](.*))?/
85 184 66 $2 ? :
89 0 41 if $_[0] and ref $_[0]
92 123 0 unless ref $k
93 0 123 unless exists $ret{$k}
97 0 250 unless defined $v
105 0 7 ref $p ? :
111 0 7 if (@p and not eval { do { &GetOptions(\%p, @p) } })
132 63 0 if defined $_
145 15 0 if (exists $c->{$w})
151 0 0 if (@c == 1)
156 0 0 if (@c > 1)
181 0 0 $t eq 'f' ? :
0 0 $t eq 's' ? :
0 0 $t eq 'o' ? :
0 0 $t eq 'i' ? :
0 0 $t ? :
187 0 0 if $eq eq ':'
199 0 0 'HASH' eq ref $_[0] ? :
0 0 'ARRAY' eq ref $_[0] ? :
350 0 0 if (not $t) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $readline::rl_completion_function) { }
0 0 elsif (defined(my $attr = $t->Attribs)) { }
351 0 0 if -t select()
399 0 0 unless $root and $o->{'cmds'} != $root
404 0 0 if exists $$root{$_->[0]} and $$root{$_->[0]}[1] eq $_->[1]
412 0 8 if $root
442 0 8 if $root
538 7 25 unless $p{'path'}
541 0 25 unless 'CODE' eq ref $p{'exec'}
543 0 25 unless my $new = pop @w
546 0 8 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $r->{$w})
553 8 17 if ($p{'opts'})
554 0 8 ref $p{'opts'} ? :
558 0 16 if ref $op
561 0 0 ref $opts[0] ? :
0 16 $expecting ? :
588 1 0 if ('HASH' eq ref $cmd) { }
595 0 0 if @args
628 1 8 if (not ref $v) { }
8 0 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $v) { }
643 7 1 unless my $f = $o->{'history_file'}
644 1 0 unless -f $f
648 0 0 if $@
650 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $hist and @$hist
651 0 0 unless ref $d and ref $more and ref $d eq ref $more
652 0 0 if 'HASH' eq ref $d
653 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $d
654 0 0 if 'SCALAR' eq ref $d
660 0 0 unless my $f = $o->{'history_file'}
664 0 0 eval { do { store([[@his], $o->{'history_more'}], $f) } } ? :
685 0 0 if $o->{'history_data'}
710 0 0 unless ref $cmd
711 0 0 @args ? :
0 0 if 'HASH' eq ref $cmd
714 0 0 if $comp and $comp == \&Term::Shell::MultiCmd::_root_command_comp
715 0 0 if $word =~ /^(\-\-?)(.*)/
716 0 0 if (@args and $args[-1] =~ /^\-\-?(.*)/)
718 0 0 if @op
719 0 0 unless $op
721 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $cb or 'HASH' eq ref $cb
722 0 0 if 'CODE' eq ref $cb
724 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $comp or 'HASH' eq ref $comp
725 0 0 if 'CODE' eq ref $comp
732 0 0 $last ? :
0 0 if $pre
733 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $h
737 0 0 $last ? :
0 0 $pre ? :
0 0 unless $c eq $dlm
755 0 0 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $h) { }
0 0 elsif ('HASH' ne ref $h) { }
0 0 elsif ($p{'recursive'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($p{'tree'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($p{'full'}) { }
766 0 0 if exists $h->{$dlm}
769 0 0 if $k eq $dlm
779 0 0 if exists $h->{$dlm}
782 0 0 if $k eq $dlm
785 0 0 'ARRAY' eq ref $h->{$k} ? :
797 0 0 unless ref $cmd
798 0 0 if @args
808 0 0 unless ref $cmd
809 0 0 if 'HASH' eq ref $cmd
819 0 0 unless $prolog
820 0 0 if $par and not $line
825 0 0 if $root
837 0 0 unless @argv
839 0 0 $o->{'root'} ? :
0 0 if $argv[0] =~ /^\-\-?d/
840 0 0 if $argv[0] =~ /^\-\-?c/
841 0 0 unless ($argv[0] =~ /^\-\-?s/)
845 0 0 if $root
850 0 0 if (@argv)
853 0 0 if $root
854 0 0 unless ref $cmd
855 0 0 if @args
856 0 0 if 'ARRAY' eq ref $cmd
858 0 0 if ($o->{'root'})
862 0 0 if ($cmd)
870 8 0 unless my $p = $o->{'pager'}
871 0 0 unless ref $p
873 0 0 unless not $r or ref $r
880 0 8 unless $cmd
887 0 0 @a ? :
0 0 if $c eq 'cd' and $o->{'root_cmd'} and not exists $r->{'cd'}
892 0 8 if $o->{'help_cmd'} and $c eq 'ls' && !exists $r->{'ls'} || $c eq 'help' && !exists $r->{'help'}
908 1 6 if 'CODE' eq ref $o->{'record_cmd'}
910 0 7 unless my($cmd, $path, @args, $fh) = &_travel($o, $clt)
913 0 7 if ($o->{'piper'} and $fh = $o->{'pager'}->())
921 0 7 if ($fh)
929 0 7 unless ref $cmd
930 0 1 if $o->{'empty_cmd'} and $cmd eq ($o->{'root'} || $o->{'cmds'}) and 0 == length join('', @args)
931 0 7 if $cmd eq $o->{'cmds'}
932 0 7 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $cmd
934 0 7 if $p{'_ERR_'}
964 0 0 if defined $pos
991 0 0 if 'CODE' eq ref $p
992 0 0 if $p =~ /\W$/
993 0 0 if $o->{'root_path'}
1010 0 0 unless $o->{'term'}
1011 0 0 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ ? :
0 0 if @_