Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 42 83.3

line true false branch
157 0 9 unless defined(my $pid = fork)
160 6 3 if ($pid)
184 1 2 if (defined $windowspec)
189 1 0 if ($window{'hastop'})
195 1 0 if ($window{'hasbot'})
209 3 19 if ($firstline)
210 1 2 if defined $window_top
211 1 2 if defined $window_bot
219 4 18 if (defined $style) { }
223 0 4 if (length $line < $buf_width and $line_end)
233 14 4 $line_end ? :
243 20 2 if $height > 0
245 9 13 if @buf > $buf_height
246 14 8 if defined $window_top
249 14 8 if defined $window_bot
252 0 3 if &openhandle($passthru)
254 1 2 if ($hide)
333 873 344 if ($text_length < $len) { }
336 0 873 if ($text_length > $len)
348 6 12 if ($pad and $text_length < $len)
370 0 8 /\s/u ? :