Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 60 81.6

line true false branch
468 1 12 unless defined $_[0]
475 1 5 unless defined $_[0]
503 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
510 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
517 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
524 0 1 unless defined $_[0]
531 1 0 defined wantarray ? :
540 0 21 unless defined $color_str
575 4 17 if ($color_str =~ /^(?:\x1b\[)?([0-9;:]+m?)/)
576 0 4 $1 =~ /m$/ ? :
582 7 1 unless (exists $color_names{$color_str} or $color_str =~ /^[0-9]+$/m)
583 3 1 $data ? :
4 3 unless $access_by_raw_attr
587 12 5 $fg_called ? :
588 15 2 $AUTORESET ? :
592 7 10 exists $attributes{$color_str} ? :
643 1 0 if ($color_str =~ /^\d+$/m and $color_str < 256 and $color_str > -1)
651 1 16 unless (defined $data)
652 0 1 $access_by_numeric_index ? :
661 1 15 if ($data =~ /;(\d+;\d+)m$/m)
665 1 361 if ($esc eq $_)
674 1 14 if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { }
682 1 15 if ($access_by_numeric_index) { }
3 12 elsif ($access_by_raw_attr) { }
696 1 14 wantarray ? :
701 0 5 unless @data
703 2 3 if (ref $data[0] eq 'ARRAY')
710 61 0 if (defined $_)
714 4 1 wantarray ? :
720 1 1 $AUTORESET ? :