Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 66 30.3

line true false branch
49 1 0 if (blessed $file) { }
50 1 0 if ($file->isa('IO::Handle')) { }
0 0 elsif ($file->isa('Path::Class::File')) { }
54 0 0 unless $tmp = $file->open('w')
61 0 0 unless defined $file
62 0 0 if (ref $file) { }
0 0 elsif (length $file) { }
66 0 0 unless $tmp = 'IO::File'->new($file, 'w')
75 0 1 unless $tmp->seek(0, 0)
76 0 1 unless $tmp->truncate(0)
79 1 0 if ($Test_edit) { }
94 0 0 unless defined $input
95 0 0 if (do { $input eq 'c' }) { }
0 0 elsif ($input eq 'a') { }
0 0 elsif ($input eq 's') { }
104 0 0 unless ($save = 'File::Temp'->new('dir', '.', 'template', 'TermEditorEdit.XXXXXX', 'unlink', 0))
105 0 0 if warn "Unable to create temporary file: $!"
109 0 0 unless ($tmpr = 'IO::File'->new($tmp_filename, 'r'))
110 0 0 if warn "Unable to open ($tmp_filename): $!"
127 0 1 unless my $tmpr = 'IO::File'->new($filename, 'r')
138 0 1 if (my $process = $self->process)
144 0 0 unless $_ eq $RETRY
148 0 0 if $retry
150 0 0 if defined $result[0]
168 0 2 unless defined $part
172 1 0 if @preamble
184 3 1 unless my $separator = $self->separator
186 0 1 if ref $separator
188 1 0 if (my $mark = 'Text::Clip'->new('data', $document)->find(qr/^\s*$separator\s*$/m))
200 2 3 unless defined $preamble
204 1 2 unless (defined $separator)
205 0 1 unless length $preamble
208 1 1 unless length $preamble