Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 18 66.6

line true false branch
98 1 0 if *CORE::GLOBAL::caller{'CODE'} != \&_uplevel_caller
111 0 3 if (caller() eq 'DB') { }
114 0 0 if (wantarray and not @_) { }
122 1 2 if (wantarray and not @_) { }
137 0 8 unless @Sub::Uplevel::Up_Frames
201 0 28 if (defined $caller[0] and $caller[0] eq 'Sub::Uplevel')
212 1 7 if (caller() eq 'DB') { }
221 2 6 if (wantarray) { }
222 1 1 unless (@_)