Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 46 47.8

line true false branch
157 6 0 unless defined $$self{'cache'}
160 6 0 unless $$self{'prefix'}
161 6 0 unless $$self{'postfix'}
163 0 6 if $$self{'encoding'}
167 6 0 if $ENCODING =~ /^utf-?8$/i
170 0 6 if defined $$self{'strict'}
215 12 3 unless defined $use_layout
235 1 19 if defined $use_layout and $use_layout eq '0'
238 9 10 if $template_name and $template_name eq '1'
298 0 5 if $template and $$template{'filename'} and $$template{'timestamp'} + $TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL <= time
301 16 5 unless ($template)
324 0 16 if (substr($template_name, 0, 1) eq ':')
343 16 0 if ($path) { }
344 0 16 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
347 16 0 if -f $filepath
350 0 0 if -f $filename
352 0 0 $path ? :
367 0 0 if ($$self{'preprocess'})
368 0 0 unless (defined $_context and $$_context{'_engine'})
404 0 0 if (defined $$template{'args'})
422 0 16 if ($cache =~ s/\A\#\@ARGS (.*)\r?\n//)
448 0 16 if (not $$self{'cache'}) { }
0 16 elsif (not -f $cachename or (stat $cachename)[9] < (stat $filename)[9]) { }