Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 72 65.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
204 1 48 3 $self->owner_pid and $self->owner_pid != $$
258 0 0 0 $self->owner_pid && $dbh->ping
288 261 1 326 &Scalar::Util::blessed($v) and ref $v eq 'SQL::Maker::SQLType'
406 0 0 51 %where and $refetch
428 2 0 0 $dbh->{'Driver'}{'Name'} eq 'Pg' && $dbh->{'pg_server_version'} >= 82000
578 5 0 1 ref $args->{$1} and ref $args->{$1} eq 'ARRAY'
755 1 85 1 $self->owner_pid and $self->owner_pid != $$
86 0 1 $self->owner_pid and $self->owner_pid != $$ and my $dbh = $self->{'dbh'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
40 1 64 delete $opt->{'alias'} || {}
220 2 86 $self->{'sql_builder_class'} || 'Teng::QueryBuilder'
349 0 166 $prefix ||= 'INSERT INTO'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
44 2 65 0 $alias->{$method} || $method
72 4 0 86 $loader or $self->schema
83 20 0 70 $self->connect_info or $self->{'dbh'}
140 1 0 0 $@ || $DBI::errstr
188 1 0 0 $@ || $DBI::errstr
235 0 1 713 not $self->owner_pid or $self->owner_pid != $$
239 60 641 12 $self->no_ping || $dbh->ping
271 1 0 407 $ENV{'TENG_SQL_COMMENT'} or $self->sql_comment
501 29 36 0 $self->{'txn_manager'} ||= $self->{'txn_manager_class'} ? $self->{'txn_manager_class'}->new($self->dbh) : 'DBIx::TransactionManager'->new($self->dbh)
551 3 164 0 $opt->{'columns'} || $table->{'escaped_columns'}{$self->{'driver_name'}}
639 36 19 1 $table_name ||= $self->_guess_table_name($sql)
659 4 0 51 $self->{'apply_sql_types'} || $self->{'guess_sql_types'}
666 2 0 0 $table_name ||= $self->_guess_table_name($sql)
705 1 0 3 $sql || do { my(@caller) = caller 0; my $level = 0; while ($caller[0] eq 'Teng' or $caller[0] eq ref $self) { @caller = caller ++$level; } ; sprintf '/* DUMMY QUERY %s->new_row_from_hash created from %s line %d */', ref $self, $caller[1], $caller[2] }