Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 90 40.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
226 4 7 $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
280 6 1 $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
168 3 0 0 defined $import and UNIVERSAL::isa($import, 'HASH')
236 9 11 0 $i + 2 <= $size and $$ident[$i + 2] eq 'scalar' || $$ident[$i + 2] eq 'ref'
361 3 0 0 defined $import and UNIVERSAL::isa($import, 'HASH')
414 0 0 25 defined $root and defined $item
0 0 25 defined $root and defined $item and not $item =~ /^[\._]/
416 25 0 0 ref \$root eq 'SCALAR' and not $lvalue
25 0 0 ref \$root eq 'SCALAR' and not $lvalue and ($value = $Template::Stash::Context::LIST_OPS->{$item}) || $item =~ /^-?\d+$/
424 0 0 0 ref $root and UNIVERSAL::can($root, 'can')
0 0 0 $value = $Template::Stash::Context::SCALAR_OPS->{$item} and not $lvalue
463 0 0 1 $value = $Template::Stash::Context::LIST_OPS->{$item} and not $lvalue
0 0 0 $value = $Template::Stash::Context::SCALAR_OPS->{$item} and not $lvalue
504 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($root, 'HASH') and defined($value = $root->{$item})
0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($root, 'ARRAY') and $value = $Template::Stash::Context::LIST_OPS->{$item}
608 0 0 7 $root and defined $item
0 0 7 $root and defined $item and not $item =~ /^[\._]/
610 0 0 0 $rootref eq 'ARRAY' and $item =~ /^-?\d+$/
613 7 0 0 $default and $root->{$item}
618 0 0 0 $default and $root->{$item}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
164 3 0 $params ||= {}
401 2 23 $nextItem ||= ''
405 1 24 $args ||= []
406 1 24 $lvalue ||= 0
598 0 7 $args ||= []
599 0 7 $default ||= 0
641 0 0 shift() || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
226 4 0 11 ref $ident eq 'ARRAY' or $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
236 1 1 9 $$ident[$i + 2] eq 'scalar' || $$ident[$i + 2] eq 'ref'
280 0 0 7 ref $ident eq 'ARRAY' or $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
416 0 0 0 ($value = $Template::Stash::Context::LIST_OPS->{$item}) || $item =~ /^-?\d+$/
424 16 8 1 $rootref eq $self->{'_CLASS'} or $rootref eq 'HASH'
610 1 6 0 $rootref eq 'HASH' or $rootref eq $self->{'_CLASS'}