Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 54 87 62.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
212 291 7 $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
259 482 1 $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
154 1483 0 1 defined $import and ref $import eq 'HASH'
339 1293 0 1 defined $import and ref $import eq 'HASH'
383 13 0 2 $args and ref $args eq 'ARRAY'
422 339 37 625 blessed $root && $root->isa(ref $self)
432 0 0 1001 defined $root and defined $item
435 0 1001 0 $PRIVATE and $item =~ /$PRIVATE/
437 91 0 37 blessed $root and $root->can('can')
1 0 90 $value = $$SCALAR_OPS{$item} and not $lvalue
0 0 1 $value = $$LIST_OPS{$item} and not $lvalue
444 201 11 28 $value = $$HASH_OPS{$item} and not $atroot
594 0 0 491 $root and defined $item
597 0 491 0 $PRIVATE and $item =~ /$PRIVATE/
599 0 0 1 $rootref eq 'ARRAY' and $item =~ /^-?\d+$/
601 490 0 0 $default and $$root{$item}
606 1 0 0 $default and $$root{$item}
612 0 0 0 $default and $root->$item

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
150 1355 129 $params ||= {}
382 2 13 shift @input || 0
425 184 817 $args ||= []
426 11 990 $lvalue ||= 0
590 0 491 $args ||= []
591 0 491 $default ||= 0
654 0 0 $indent ||= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
212 298 0 298 ref $ident eq 'ARRAY' or $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
259 8 0 483 ref $ident eq 'ARRAY' or $ident =~ /\./ and $ident = [map({s/\(.*$//; $_, 0;} split(/\./, $ident, 0))]
437 625 101 275 $atroot or $rootref eq 'HASH'
444 28 10 202 $value = $$HASH_OPS{$item} and not $atroot or $item eq 'import'
499 12 0 0 ref $root || $root
500 0 1 11 ref $@ or not $@ =~ /Can't locate object method "\Q$item\E" via package "\Q$class\E"/
599 8 482 1 $rootref eq 'HASH' or $atroot