Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 86 0.0

line true false branch
195 0 0 unless @ARGV
197 0 0 if $cmdname =~ /^[a-z]/
198 0 0 unless $cmd
207 0 0 unless @_ and $_[0]
226 0 0 if (-f $setupdone)
246 0 0 if $trace
248 0 0 if $?
249 0 0 unless -f _cf(('etc', 'ttree.cfg'))
260 0 0 if (-e $fn)
266 0 0 unless chmod 0666, $fn
287 0 0 if $trace
289 0 0 if $?
306 0 0 if $trace
308 0 0 if $?
324 0 0 unless (-f $f)
330 0 0 unless -d $dir
352 0 0 unless @_ and $_[0]
356 0 0 if (/~$/)
357 0 0 if $verbose
358 0 0 unless unlink $_
392 0 0 unless -f $_
393 0 0 unless -f _cf($cur, $File::Find::name)
394 0 0 _differ($_, _cf($cur, $File::Find::name)) ? :
399 0 0 if (@chfiles)
416 0 0 if (_differ(_cf($lib, $fn), $fn))
421 0 0 unless unlink $fn
431 0 0 if rmdir $dir
456 0 0 if (-s "$p/$")
460 0 0 if (-s "$p/$ttree" and -x _)
465 0 0 if ($ttree eq 'ttree') { }
469 0 0 unless open my $f, "<$ttree"
472 0 0 if (not $line =~ /^#!.*\bperl\b/)
482 0 0 unless -f $setupdone
491 0 0 if ($lib) { }
492 0 0 unless (-f _cf($lib, ('Template', '')))
503 0 0 if -f _cf($lib, ('Template', ''))
507 0 0 unless (-f _cf($sitelib, ('Template', '')))
519 0 0 unless (open F1, $old)
523 0 0 unless (open F2, $new)
534 0 0 if $len1 == $len2 and $len1 == 0
535 0 0 if $len1 != $len2 or $len1 and $buf1 ne $buf2
545 0 0 unless GetOptions 'verbose', \$verbose, 'test', \$test, 'trace', \$trace, 'debug', \$debug
562 0 0 if defined $ret