Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 44 62 70.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
183 2 2 1 $class eq 'Template::Plugin::TwoStage' and my $c = $$context{'CONFIG'}{'TwoStage'}
189 1 0 0 defined $xk and ref $xk eq 'CODE'
286 27 0 30 scalar @stat and $stash->get('template.modtime') <= $stat[9]
27 4 26 scalar @stat and $stash->get('template.modtime') <= $stat[9] and not $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dev_mode'}
4 26 0 scalar @stat and $stash->get('template.modtime') <= $stat[9] and not $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dev_mode'} and !$$self{'CONFIG'}{'ttl'} || time <= $stat[9] + $$self{'CONFIG'}{'ttl'}
333 0 0 11 do { my $class_ue = uri_escape($class, '^A-Za-z0-9_'); $caching_dir =~ /$class_ue/ } and $caching_dir =~ /$CACHE_DIR_NAME/
0 1 10 do { my $class_ue = uri_escape($class, '^A-Za-z0-9_'); $caching_dir =~ /$class_ue/ } and $caching_dir =~ /$CACHE_DIR_NAME/ and -e $caching_dir
1 0 10 do { my $class_ue = uri_escape($class, '^A-Za-z0-9_'); $caching_dir =~ /$class_ue/ } and $caching_dir =~ /$CACHE_DIR_NAME/ and -e $caching_dir and -d $caching_dir
471 51 4 2 $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dev_mode'} && $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dir_keys'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
30 0 4 $ENV{'TWOSTAGE_DEBUG'} || 0
168 0 40 $class->precompile_tag_style || $$context{'CONFIG'}{'TAG_STYLE'} || 'default'
239 2 55 $localize ||= 0
246 10 47 $$params{'keys'} || {}
407 6 27 $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dev_mode'} && $$TAG_STYLE_unquotemeta{$$self{'CONFIG'}{'runtime_tag_style'}}[0] . "# This precompiled template ( $$self{'params'}{'template'} ) is stored together with the following keys:\n\t" . join("\n\t", map({"$_ => " . (defined $$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_} ? $$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_} : 'undef');} keys %{$$self{'params'}{'keys'};})) . "\n " . $$TAG_STYLE_unquotemeta{$$self{'CONFIG'}{'runtime_tag_style'}}[1] . "\n" || ''
438 65 4 $$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_} || ''
471 51 57 $$self{'prec_template'}{'dynamic_dir_segments'} ||= [$$self{'CONFIG'}{'namespace'} ? $$self{'CONFIG'}{'namespace'} : (), $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dev_mode'} && $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dir_keys'} ? ($$self{'params'}{'template'}, map({uri_escape($_, '^A-Za-z0-9_'), uri_escape('value-' . $$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_}, '^A-Za-z0-9_');} ref $$self{'CONFIG'}{'dir_keys'} ? grep({exists $$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_};} @{$$self{'CONFIG'}{'dir_keys'};}) : keys %{$$self{'params'}{'keys'};})) : ()]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
215 105 40 0 ref $proto || $proto
286 24 0 2 !$$self{'CONFIG'}{'ttl'} || time <= $stat[9] + $$self{'CONFIG'}{'ttl'}
445 24 57 0 $$self{'prec_template'}{'signature'} ||= sha1_hex(join(':', ($$self{'params'}{'template'}, map({"$_=" . ($$self{'params'}{'keys'}{$_} || '');} sort(keys %{$$self{'params'}{'keys'};}))))) . '.tt'
483 0 57 0 $$self{'prec_template'}{'rel_file_path'} ||= &_concat_path($self->_rel_file_dir, $self->_signature)
489 33 57 0 $$self{'prec_template'}{'file_path'} ||= &_concat_path($self->compiled_options('caching_dir'), $self->_rel_file_path)
495 6 10 74 $$self{'prec_template'}{'rel_file_dir'} ||= 'File::Spec'->catdir(@{$self->_dynamic_dir_segments;})
501 0 33 0 $$self{'prec_template'}{'file_dir'} ||= &_concat_path($self->compiled_options('caching_dir'), $self->_rel_file_dir)