Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 58 68.9

line true false branch
79 1 0 ref $_[0] ? :
104 0 19 unless my $path = $self->_path($_[0])
109 0 49 unless ref $cursor
110 3 46 unless defined($cursor = $$cursor{$branch})
114 11 5 ref $cursor ? :
131 0 15 unless my $path = $self->_path(shift())
138 20 12 if (not defined $$cursor{$branch}) { }
6 6 elsif (not ref $$cursor{$branch}) { }
151 0 15 if (exists $$cursor{$leaf} and ref $$cursor{$leaf}) { }
175 0 2 unless my $path = $self->_path(shift())
182 0 3 if (not defined $$cursor{$branch}) { }
0 3 elsif (not ref $$cursor{$branch}) { }
195 1 1 if (exists $$cursor{$leaf} and ref $$cursor{$leaf}) { }
197 0 1 if defined $$cursor{$leaf}->__get($value)
203 1 0 if defined $$cursor{$leaf}
254 1 5 unless keys %$self
264 35 10 length $base ? :
265 35 10 ref $$cursor{$key} ? :
268 20 25 if (defined $value)
273 35 10 if ref $$cursor{$key}
300 0 2 ref $_[0] ? :
301 0 2 unless my $string = shift()
305 0 2 if $string eq 'null'
308 0 8 unless /^([\w\.]+)\:\s*(.*)$/
314 0 8 unless $self->set($key, $value)
337 4 2 defined $left ? :
349 38 0 defined $_[1] && !ref($_[1]) ? :
350 0 38 unless $value =~ /^[^\W\d]\w*(?:\.[^\W\d]\w*)*$/
354 0 38 if (grep {$_ eq 'DESTROY';} @path)