Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 48 79 60.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
67 69 116 $$s{$n . '_handlers'} &&= [$s->_Hload($$s{$n . '_handlers'}, $n)]
237 229 120 /$$re{'start_label'}/ and {'id', $1, 'attributes', $2}
553 0 2 $cont && \$cont

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
22 33 1 0 $pragma and $pragma eq '-compile'
221 0 46 9 $$s{'options'}{'cache'} and not ref $t
237 356 57 0 /$$re{'end_label'}/ and $1
349 7 0 /$$re{'include_label'}/ and do { (my $t = $1) =~ s/^\s+//; $t ? $s->load($t) : 'CONTAINER_INCLUDE' }
458 4 0 2 $z->_e and $cont =~ /$$re{'label'}/
548 4 0 2 ref $v eq 'ARRAY' and HTML::TableTiler::is_matrix($v)
580 0 0 2 ref $v and defined UNIVERSAL::can($v, 'param')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
59 5 32 $$s{'lookups'} ||= [(caller)[0]]
424 13 3 $nv || ''
445 1 0 $indent ||= ' '
446 0 1 $end ||= '/'
586 1 1 $list || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
52 5 32 0 $$s{'markers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_MARKERS
53 0 37 0 $$s{'output_handlers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_PRINT_HANDLERS
54 0 37 0 $s->DEFAULT_TEXT_HANDLERS || $$s{'output_handlers'}
0 37 0 $$s{'text_handlers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_TEXT_HANDLERS || $$s{'output_handlers'}
56 5 0 32 $$s{'zone_handlers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_ZONE_HANDLERS
57 4 33 0 $$s{'value_handlers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_VALUE_HANDLERS
58 0 0 37 $$s{'post_handlers'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_POST_HANDLERS
60 0 37 0 $$s{'options'} ||= $s->DEFAULT_OPTIONS
83 18 0 0 $s->can($_) || $s->can(join('_', $_, uc $n, 'HANDLERS')) || croak(qq[Unknown handler "$_"])
109 4 0 0 $s->can($m) || $s->can($m . '_MARKERS') || croak(qq[Unknown markers "$m"])
153 0 9 0 $ENV{'TEMPLATE_MAGIC_ROOT'} && &$find('File::Spec'->catfile($ENV{'TEMPLATE_MAGIC_ROOT'}, $t)) || &$find(map('File::Spec'->catfile($_, $t), @{$$s{'paths'};})) || $ENV{'TEMPLATE_MAGIC_ROOT'} && &$find(map('File::Spec'->catfile($ENV{'TEMPLATE_MAGIC_ROOT'}, $_, $t), @{$$s{'paths'};})) || &$find($t)
193 1 3 43 $$args{'container_template'} || ${$$s{'container_template'};}[0]
237 57 0 356 /$$re{'end_label'}/ and $1 or /$$re{'include_label'}/ and do { (my $t = $1) =~ s/^\s+//; $t ? $s->load($t) : 'CONTAINER_INCLUDE' }
255 123 229 61 ref $id or not $id