Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 86 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 0 0 0 $filename =~ /^($$self{'untaint_regexp'})$/ and not $filename =~ /^\./
385 0 0 0 -e "$dir/head.tmp" and -e "$dir/body.tmp"
475 0 0 0 /\.aux$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
527 0 0 0 $$process{'branch'} eq '2' and not defined $ENV{'TEXMFCNF'}
538 0 0 0 not $tex_format and $tex_type eq 'htex'
541 0 0 0 not $tex_format =~ /209$/ and $tex_type =~ /209/
544 0 0 0 $tex_format =~ /^latex209/ and $program =~ /^h/
627 0 0 0 not $xfontcreate and $self->extra_fontcreation_pass($stime)
646 0 0 0 $passes == 0 and $tex_type eq 'hlatex2e' || $tex_type eq 'latex2e' || $tex_type =~ /h?pdflatex/o
676 0 0 0 $passes == $tex_passes and $rerun
687 0 0 0 /\.(?:toc|lof|lot)$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
707 0 0 0 /\.(?:mf|tfm)$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
728 0 0 0 not /^\./ || /\.(mf|log)$/ and -f "$dir/$_"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
535 0 0 $$self{'tex_format'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 0 0 0 not $self->type_is_tex or $$self{'filename'} eq 'auto_gen_ps.log'
0 0 0 not $self->type_is_tex or $$self{'filename'} eq 'auto_gen_ps.log' or $$self{'filename'} =~ /\.(?:sty|st|cls)$/i
212 0 0 0 $$process{'branch'} eq '3' or $$process{'branch'} =~ m[texlive/]
213 0 0 0 $self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX' or $self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX2e'
351 0 0 0 `$TeX::AutoTeX::File::CRYPT $fullname $key` || "[no response, exit code $?]"
355 0 0 0 not -T $fullname or -z _
428 0 0 0 exists $commondvipsheaders{$included} || '.pfb' eq substr($included, -4)
480 0 0 0 unlink(map({"$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_";} map({/(.*)/;} @auxfiles))) || $$self{'fileset'}{'log'}->error("Could not remove one of the auxfiles: @auxfiles.")
646 0 0 0 $tex_type eq 'hlatex2e' || $tex_type eq 'latex2e' || $tex_type =~ /h?pdflatex/o
657 0 0 0 $tex_type =~ /latex/i or $tex_format
658 0 0 0 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Label(s) may have changed. Rerun') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Warning: Citation(s) may have changed.')
0 0 0 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Label(s) may have changed. Rerun') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Warning: Citation(s) may have changed.') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Table widths have changed. Rerun LaTeX.')
0 0 0 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Label(s) may have changed. Rerun') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Warning: Citation(s) may have changed.') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Table widths have changed. Rerun LaTeX.') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Rerun to get citations correct.')
672 0 0 0 $rerun or $passes == 0
728 0 0 0 /^\./ || /\.(mf|log)$/