Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
15 3 130 if ($self->type eq 'compile' and &any(sub { $s->[0] eq $_; } , 'use', 'no') and scalar @$s > 2 and $s->[1] eq 'Test::Requires') { }
2 128 elsif ($self->type eq 'runtime' and $s->[0] eq 'test_requires' and scalar @$s > 1) { }
20 0 3 if not $version and stripquotelike($s->[2]) =~ /^v?5(\..*)?$/
21 0 3 $version ? :
23 3 0 if (scalar @$s > $voffset)
24 0 3 if $s->[$voffset] eq ';'
29 1 2 if (substr($s->[$voffset], 0, 1) eq '{') { }
36 0 2 if $s->[1] eq ';'
38 1 1 $args[1] && $args[1] ne ';' ? :