Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 41 56.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
207 5 57 $self->{'comment_flag'} == 0 and scalar @{$self->{'tmp_comment_code'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
108 29 0 1 $self->{'attr_delimeter'} ne "\"" and $self->{'attr_delimeter'} ne "'"
187 51 2 87 $self->{'process'} and $pre_pre == 0
297 9 11 0 $self->{'xml'} and not defined $value
441 33 23 0 $self->{'xml'} and $printed ne $tag
446 33 0 23 $self->{'xml'} and !scalar(@{$self->{'no_simple'};}) || &none(sub { $_ eq $tag; } , @{$$self{'no_simple'};})
451 8 1 3 scalar @{$self->{'tmp_comment_code'};} and $self->{'comment_flag'} == 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
220 0 0 4 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre
232 0 0 4 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre
239 0 0 58 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre
251 0 0 58 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre
273 0 0 47 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre
446 23 0 0 !scalar(@{$self->{'no_simple'};}) || &none(sub { $_ eq $tag; } , @{$$self{'no_simple'};})
459 0 0 9 $self->{'non_indent'} or $pre