Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 81 102 79.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
54 0 32 705 exists $self->{'text'} and $self->{'stay'} < 98
32 0 705 exists $self->{'text'} and $self->{'stay'} < 98 and defined($self->{'char'} = substr($self->{'text'}, 0, 1))
62 134 4 3764 $self->{'stay'} < 98 and defined($self->{'char'} = shift @{$$self{'old_data'};}) || defined($self->{'char'} = getc $self->{'filename'})
83 0 0 52 $file and -r $file
86 0 52 0 not $force and defined $self->{'text'} || defined $self->{'filename'}
109 3 0 0 not $force and defined $self->{'text'} || defined $self->{'filename'}
147 736 190 166 $self->{'stay'} == 0 and $self->{'char'} eq '<'
174 578 0 111 $self->{'tag_length'} == 1 and _is_first_char_of_tag($self->{'char'})
316 15 247 $self->{'tag_length'} > 1 and _is_in_tag_name($self->{'char'})
213 1936 61 409 $self->{'tag_length'} > 1 and _is_in_tag_name($self->{'char'})
214 23 3 64 $self->{'brace'} == 0 and $self->{'bracket'} == 0
26 4 60 $self->{'brace'} == 0 and $self->{'bracket'} == 0 and $self->{'spec_stay'} < 3
24 3 3 $self->{'spec_stay'} == 3 and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq '--'
23 3 1 $self->{'tag_type'} =~ /^!\[cdata\[/ms and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq ']]'
243 3 53 0 $self->{'tag_length'} == 0 and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq '--'
269 282 121 6 $self->{'tag_length'} == 2 || $self->{'tag_length'} == 3 and $self->{'char'} eq '-'
283 0 1967 30 $self->{'quote'} eq $EMPTY_STR and $self->{'char'} eq '"'
290 30 1963 4 $self->{'quote'} eq $EMPTY_STR and $self->{'char'} eq q[']
318 0 0 55 exists $self->{'filename'} and defined $self->{'char'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
62 39 3725 4 defined($self->{'char'} = shift @{$$self{'old_data'};}) || defined($self->{'char'} = getc $self->{'filename'})
86 0 0 52 defined $self->{'text'} || defined $self->{'filename'}
109 0 0 0 defined $self->{'text'} || defined $self->{'filename'}
199 0 0 331 $self->{'tag_length'} == 1 or $self->{'char'} eq '<'
214 60 3 27 $self->{'brace'} == 0 and $self->{'bracket'} == 0 and $self->{'spec_stay'} < 3 or $self->{'spec_stay'} == 3 and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq '--'
3 1 26 $self->{'brace'} == 0 and $self->{'bracket'} == 0 and $self->{'spec_stay'} < 3 or $self->{'spec_stay'} == 3 and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq '--' or $self->{'tag_type'} =~ /^!\[cdata\[/ms and join($EMPTY_STR, @{$$self{'data'};}[-2, -1]) eq ']]'
269 64 63 282 $self->{'tag_length'} == 2 || $self->{'tag_length'} == 3
324 111 55 4303 $self->{'stay'} == 98 or $self->{'stay'} == 99
342 64 18 29 $char eq '!' or $char eq '/'
82 7 22 $char eq '!' or $char eq '/' or $char eq '?'
25 22 0 $char eq '!' or $char eq '/' or $char eq '?' or $char =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ms
353 4 7 721 $char eq ':' or $char eq '['
11 6 715 $char eq ':' or $char eq '[' or $char eq '-'
13 1 714 $char eq ':' or $char eq '[' or $char eq '-' or $char eq '%'
7 638 76 $char eq ':' or $char eq '[' or $char eq '-' or $char eq '%' or $char =~ /^[\d\w]+$/ms