Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 68 33.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
129 2 2 1 defined $I->delimiters and ref $I->delimiters ne 'ARRAY'
136 5 0 0 defined $I->cachesize and $I->cachesize > 0
150 2 0 0 defined $I->evalcachesize and $I->evalcachesize > 0
171 0 0 0 @_ > 1 and ref $re eq 'Regexp'
212 4 2 0 exists $I->cache->{$filename} and $I->auto_reload_templates
216 0 0 0 -f ($path = $base) and -r _
0 0 0 -f ($path = $base . '.tmpl') and -r _
0 0 0 -f ($path = $base . '.html') and -r _
269 5 0 22 defined $module and length $module
364 22 5 0 not @{$I->Lstack;} and !$I->preserve_G || ref $I->G ne 'HASH'
392 3 2 18 @{$I->Fstack;} and not defined wantarray
5 0 18 @{$I->Fstack;} and not defined wantarray and length $rc

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
37 0 5 0 ref $class || $class
216 0 0 0 -f ($path = $base) and -r _ or -f ($path = $base . '.tmpl') and -r _
0 0 0 -f ($path = $base) and -r _ or -f ($path = $base . '.tmpl') and -r _ or -f ($path = $base . '.html') and -r _
221 0 0 0 $$cachel[1] != $dev or $$cachel[2] != $ino
0 0 0 $$cachel[1] != $dev or $$cachel[2] != $ino or $$cachel[3] != $mtime
241 0 4 2 open $fh, $mode, $path = $base or open $fh, $mode, $path = $base . '.tmpl'
4 0 2 open $fh, $mode, $path = $base or open $fh, $mode, $path = $base . '.tmpl' or open $fh, $mode, $path = $base . '.html'
364 4 0 1 !$I->preserve_G || ref $I->G ne 'HASH'

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
174 0 0 0 0 $xor xor !$_ =~ /$re/
180 0 0 0 0 $xor xor !$_ =~ /$re/