Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 66 69 95.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
144 2907 373 0 exists $t->{'schema'}{$_} and $top{$_} //= delete $t->{'schema'}{$_}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
28 4 12 78 (!defined($min) || $got >= $min) && (!defined($max) || $got <= $max)
140 319 73 20 $top{'type'} and $t->{'schema'}{'type'}
73 18 2 $top{'type'} and $t->{'schema'}{'type'} and $top{'type'} ne $t->{'schema'}{'type'}
191 404 4 8 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'}
408 4 4 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not $c->{'schema'}{'sort'}
245 18 2 96 $r->[1]{'validation'} eq 'func' && (!exists $r->[1]{'result'} || keys %{$$r[1];} > 2)
267 28 4 8 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} eq 'CODE'
291 22 96 229 defined $input and not ref $input
118 15 214 defined $input and not ref $input and $c->{'schema'}{'type'} eq 'scalar'
111 8 206 defined $input and not ref $input and $c->{'schema'}{'type'} eq 'scalar' and $c->{'schema'}{'rmwhitespace'}
298 96 217 12 not ref $input and $input eq ''
324 44 0 2 $c->{'schema'}{'scalar'} and not ref $input

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
178 285 131 $c->{'schema'}{'type'} //= 'scalar'
179 68 348 $c->{'schema'}{'required'} //= 1
180 10 406 $c->{'schema'}{'rmwhitespace'} //= 1
181 25 391 $c->{'schema'}{'unknown'} //= 'remove'
308 2 4 lc ref $input || 'scalar'
325 0 2 lc ref $input || 'scalar'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
123 899 407 544 $builtin{$_} or /^_analyze_/
128 177 365 2 $validations->{$_} || $default_validations{$_}
144 26 293 54 $top{$_} //= delete $t->{'schema'}{$_}
209 20 6 16 exists $input->{$k} or $s->{'schema'}{'required'}
6 2 14 exists $input->{$k} or $s->{'schema'}{'required'} or exists $s->{'schema'}{'default'}
298 22 14 311 not defined $input or not ref $input and $input eq ''