Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 30 0.0

line true false branch
31 0 0 wantarray ? :
34 0 0 wantarray ? :
42 0 0 if (not $self->{'_in_get_titled_section'} and defined $tok and $tok->[0] eq "start" and $tok->[1] eq "for")
48 0 0 if $tok->[0] eq "text"
123 0 0 if $self->code_line_numbers and not $self->code_highlighting
175 0 0 if $self->code_highlighting
176 0 0 if ($self->pretty)
237 0 0 if ($_->nodeName eq "#comment")
268 0 0 if $$CSS{$_->{'class'}}
281 0 0 if $opt->{'language'} =~ /^(text)$/iu
284 0 0 if $opt->{'language'} =~ /^(perl)$/iu
287 0 0 if $opt->{'language'} =~ /^(turtle|n.?triples|n.?quads|trig|n3|notation.?3|pret|pretdsl|sparql|sparql.?(update|query)|json|xml)$/iu
318 0 0 unless $css->{'rdf_comment'}
320 0 0 unless $css->{'xml_tag_is_doctype'}
322 0 0 unless $css->{'json_boolean'}