Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 141 154 91.5

line true false branch
21 1 11 unless my(@returns) = $store->match('TM'->FORALL, 'type', 'return', 'irole', 'thing', 'iplayer', $store->tids($ted))
24 11 0 if my $return = $returns[0]['TM'->PLAYERS][1]
27 10 0 if my $value = $$return[0]
34 1 9 if $value =~ /{\s*(\$\w+)\s*}/
45 0 83 if ref $class
104 1 1 unless $_[1] =~ /^2\./
108 1 1 if ($_[1] =~ /\|\s*$/) { }
172 1 21 if $_[5]
240 7 49 if ($ted eq 'subclasses') { }
41 8 elsif ($ted eq 'isa') { }
0 8 elsif ($ted eq 'hasa') { }
280 7 295 if (not defined $_[1]) { }
34 261 elsif (ref $_[1]) { }
6 255 elsif ($_[1] =~ /^\w+:.+/) { }
288 3 252 if $_[0]{'USER'}{'ctx'}[0]
300 8 73 if ($_[3]) { }
37 36 elsif ($_[1] =~ /.*name$/) { }
303 36 1 if ($_[6][1] eq '') { }
312 37 44 if ($cclass ne $ctype)
322 39 1 $cclass eq 'occurrence' ? :
41 40 $cclass eq 'name' ? :
360 12 24 $_[1] =~ /^$baseuri(.+)/ ? :
702 62 1162 unless $$refINPUT
707 126 1036 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\n\n//os
708 28 1008 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\n$//os
709 1 1007 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\.//os
710 8 999 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\~//os
711 6 993 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^=//o
712 134 859 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^://o
713 3 856 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^,\s*(which|who)\b//o
714 8 848 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^,(?!\s*(which|who)\b)//o
716 42 806 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^is-?a\b//o
718 5 801 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^subclasses\b//o
720 14 787 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^has\b//o
722 654 133 unless ($$parser{'USER'}{'assoc'})
723 71 583 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\n\s*(?=\w+\s*[:<\@]\s)//os
726 0 716 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(which|who)\b//o
727 9 707 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^and(\s+(which|who))?\b//os
730 111 596 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\n//os
732 0 596 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^{//os
733 0 596 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^}//os
734 11 585 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\(//os
735 11 574 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\)//os
737 30 544 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^<
738 10 534 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^
740 0 534 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^>>//o
743 7 527 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\*//o
745 4 523 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2})(T(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}))?//o
748 19 504 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^bn\b//o
749 13 491 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^oc\b//o
750 13 478 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^in\b//o
752 91 387 if ($$parser{'USER'}{'value'})
754 8 83 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\"{3}(.*?)\"{3}(?=\n)//os
757 23 60 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^\"(.*?)\"(^^(\S+))?//o
760 0 60 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(\d+\.\d+)//o
763 1 59 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(\d+)//o
766 11 48 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(\w+:\S+)//o
769 48 0 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(.+?)(?=\s*\n)//o
783 12 308 _is_template($$parser{'USER'}{'store'}, $aux) ? :
320 51 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^([A-Za-z][.A-Za-z0-9_-]*)//o and $aux = $1 and not $$refINPUT =~ m[^:[\w/]]
789 15 35 ($aux2 = _is_ontology($$parser{'USER'}{'store'}, $$parser{'USER'}{'prefixes'}, $aux)) ? :
51 16 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(:([^\s\)\(\]\[]+))//o
793 9 7 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^@//os
796 2 5 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^%include\s+(.*?)(?=\n)//os
797 1 4 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^%log\s+(.*?)(?=\n)//os
798 1 3 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^%cancel(?=\n)//os
799 2 1 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^%version\s+(\d+\.\d+)(?=\n)//os
801 1 0 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^%encoding\s+(.*?)(?=\n)//os
807 0 0 if $$refINPUT =~ s/^(.)//os
814 243 77 unless my $t = $store->tids($id)
824 3 48 if $$prefixes{$prefix}
826 10 38 if ($prefix eq 'astma') { }
1 37 elsif ($prefix eq 'xsd') { }
832 2 35 if ($p and $store->is_a($p, $store->tids(\'')))
833 1 1 unless $$prefixes{$prefix} = $store->toplet($store->tids($prefix))->['TM'->INDICATORS][0]
872 1 81 if ($@ =~ /^Cancelled/) { }
19 62 elsif ($@) { }