Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 32 68.7

line true false branch
64 81 40 unless @_
66 0 40 unless (-f $filename)
88 41 39 unless (@_)
89 41 0 wantarray ? :
102 0 40 if $file =~ /\s/ and not $file =~ /^".*"$/
118 0 41 unless open TEST, $file
120 0 41 unless close TEST
123 4 37 if $taint
128 4 37 if ($taint or 0)
137 0 86 if /\s/ || 0 and not /^".*"$/
144 57 29 if defined $_ and $_ ne ''
151 4 0 unless @inc
153 0 4 if (do { IS_WIN32 })
180 2 2 if @inc
191 0 42 if defined $ENV{'HARNESS_PERL'}
192 0 42 if IS_WIN32