Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 18 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
121 1 0 0 blessed $thing and $thing->isa('RDF::Trine::Model')
126 1 0 0 blessed $thing and $thing->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator')
1 0 0 blessed $thing and $thing->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator') and $thing->can('as_json')
132 1 0 0 blessed $thing and $thing->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator')
1 0 0 blessed $thing and $thing->isa('RDF::Trine::Iterator') and $self->can('_serializer')
138 0 1 0 not blessed $thing and ref $thing =~ /^(HASH|ARRAY)$/