Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 36 72.2

line true false branch
28 13 16 $ref ? :
51 2 18 unless $old_sym->{'type'} eq $new_sym->{'type'}
53 2 16 unless my $old_ref = _get_ref($old_sym)
54 3 13 if my $new_ref = _get_ref($new_sym)
71 18 123 if ref $sym
78 4 119 if $pkg eq '::'
109 102 90 unless ($sym->{'NO_CHECK_STASH'})
111 18 84 unless exists $$stash{$sym->{'name'}}
116 0 174 unless $globref
120 52 122 if $type ne 'SCALAR' and defined *{$globref;}{$type}
122 0 122 if ($] < 5.01)
123 0 0 unless ($sym->{'NO_CHECK_STASH'})
126 0 0 if eval "package $sym->{'pkg'}; my \$y = $sym->{'sigil'}$sym->{'name'}; 1"
128 0 0 if defined *{$globref;}{$type} and defined ${*{$globref;}{$type};}
133 73 49 if $sv->isa('B::SV')
134 0 49 unless $sv->isa('B::SPECIAL')
135 0 49 if $B::specialsv_name[$$sv] ne 'Nullsv'
152 18 90 if $type eq $sym->{'type'}