Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 28 89.2

line true false branch
57 1 6 unless ref $needle
60 0 21 if $path =~ /^x-/
61 4 17 if $needle->{'path'} and $needle->{'path'} ne $path
64 7 24 if $method =~ /^x-/
65 2 6 unless $object->{'tags'}
7 17 if $needle->{'tag'} and not grep({$needle->{'tag'} eq $_;} @{[] unless $object->{'tags'};})
66 1 16 if $needle->{'method'} and $needle->{'method'} ne $method
67 6 10 if $needle->{'operationId'} and $needle->{'operationId'} ne $object->{'operationId'}
80 48 1 if @_
87 10 146 @_ % 2 ? :
92 63 93 unless ref $self->{'url'}
116 0 2 if $format eq 'yaml'
126 0 120 if ref $_[0] and not &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])
127 10 110 if not $_[0] or $_[0] =~ /^(n|false|off)/i