Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 74 100.0

line true false branch
217 1 74 if $text eq '0'
223 57 85 if (not defined $delim) { }
39 46 elsif (not $type and $delim eq '"') { }
11 35 elsif (not $type and $delim eq q[']) { }
33 2 elsif ($delim eq '/' and not $type or $type eq 'm') { }
224 55 2 if $text =~ s/^\s*($HASH_KEY_CHARS+)//
234 3 30 if ($@)
243 4 135 unless defined $token
248 78 57 if ($text ne '')
249 71 7 if ($text =~ s/^,//) { }
250 2 69 if $text eq ''
276 10 21 unless ($hook = $SAFE->reval($hook, $HOOK_STRICT))
277 1 9 if ($stderr) { }
297 11 58 $i =~ /^\s*(-?\d+)\s*\.\.\s*(-?\d+)\s*$/ ? :
298 7 73 unless eval { do { $_ == int $_ } }
301 5 57 $range[0] < $range[-1] ? :
312 1 115 unless defined $path
314 4 111 if exists $opts->{'aliases'}
323 173 185 if $step
326 9 173 unless $step
332 75 98 if ($type eq '{') { }
57 41 elsif ($type eq '[') { }
31 10 elsif ($type eq '(') { }
339 2 8 unless exists $Struct::Path::PerlStyle::ALIASES->{$step}
360 1 46 unless ref $path eq 'ARRAY'
367 27 40 if (ref $step eq 'ARRAY') { }
39 1 elsif (ref $step eq 'HASH') { }
370 3 62 unless eval { do { int $i == $i } }
371 30 32 if (@items and $items[-1][0] < $i && $items[-1][-1] == $i - 1 || $items[-1][0] > $i && $items[-1][-1] == $i + 1) { }
383 21 11 abs $_->[0] - $_->[-1] < 2 ? :
391 36 3 if (exists $step->{'K'}) { }
1 2 elsif (keys %{$step;}) { }
393 1 35 unless ref $step->{'K'} eq 'ARRAY'
395 1 34 if keys %{$step;} > 1
404 15 69 if (&is_regexp($k)) { }
67 2 elsif (defined $k and ref $k eq '') { }
412 33 34 unless ($k =~ /^$HASH_KEY_CHARS+$/)