Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 32 68.7

line true false branch
22 13 0 if (@words)
26 0 13 if ($count = $String::Normal::Type::Business::biz_stop->{'first'}{$copy[0]})
27 0 0 if @copy >= $count
29 0 13 if (@copy and $count = $String::Normal::Type::Business::biz_stop->{'last'}{$copy[-1]})
30 0 0 if @copy >= $count
34 13 0 if @copy
41 7 19 length $count && @words >= $count ? :
45 1 12 unless @filtered
69 30 0 length $_ ? :
73 3 10 if @pairs
77 0 26 if (/\d/) { }
90 25 5 unless exists $String::Normal::Type::Business::biz_compress->{$token}
91 1 4 if $i + 1 > $#$tokens
93 3 1 if ($end)
105 4 1 if (my $t = $$tree{$list->[$i]})
106 3 1 if (ref $t eq 'HASH' and not %$t) { }