Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 26 73.0

line true false branch
47 15 5 unless defined $keys and scalar @$keys
51 4 18 if ($_ eq "internal")
60 8308 2706 @schemes ? :
69 132995 24445 unless $attr[0] eq "name"
72 0 24445 if ($Regexp::Pattern::License::VERSION < v3.8.1) { }
73 0 0 if @attr % 2
76 0 0 if exists $attr{'version'}
77 0 0 if exists $attr{'until'}
81 1548 22897 if exists $attr{'until'}
84 3864 23209 if (exists $attr{'org'} and $attr{'org'} eq $org)
90 1328 5822 if ($fallback) { }
5238 584 elsif (exists $Regexp::Pattern::License::RE{$key}{'name'}) { }
98 15 5 $bootstrap ? :