Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 48 75.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
454 50 12 12 $self->{'no-folding'} and -d $path
62 2 10 $self->{'no-folding'} and -d $path and not -l $path
476 1 0 9 $self->is_a_dir(join_paths(parent($target), $existing_source)) and $self->is_a_dir(join_paths(parent($target), $source))
973 1 88 238 @path and @stow_path
1022 127 23 65 -l $node_path and not exists $self->{'link_task_for'}{$node_path}
1031 46 18 1 not -e join_paths($dir, $source) and $self->path_owned_by_package($node_path, $source)
1258 0 566 25 defined $path_regexp and "/$target" =~ /$path_regexp/
1264 99 439 28 defined $segment_regexp and $basename =~ /$segment_regexp/
1606 830 0 9 exists $self->{'link_task_for'}{$prefix} and $self->{'link_task_for'}{$prefix}{'action'} eq 'remove'
1901 41 0 0 exists $self->{'dir_task_for'}{$file} and $self->{'dir_task_for'}{$file} eq 'create'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1162 1 8 $self->{'conflicts'}{$action}{$package} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
136 0 78 0 ref $self || $self
1354 14 84 240 /^#/ or length $_ == 0
1557 18 16 0 $action eq 'remove' or $action eq 'create'
1582 2 28 0 $action eq 'remove' or $action eq 'create'

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
964 0 0 0 126 substr($path, 0, 1) eq '/' xor substr($self->{'stow_path'}, 0, 1) eq '/'