Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
22 1 15494 if ref $self eq 'Statistics::R::REXP'
26 1 30986 unless $self->can($req)
30 13 15480 if defined $self->attributes and ref $self->attributes ne 'HASH'
36 16 7268 unless _mutual_isa($self, $obj)
49 2320 25570 unless ref $a eq ref $b
57 0 27110 unless my($a, $b) = @_
58 20606 6504 if (defined $a and defined $b) { }
59 1 20605 unless _mutual_isa($a, $b)
60 4538 16067 if (ref $a eq ref []) { }
1282 14785 elsif (ref $a eq ref {}) { }
61 2 4536 unless scalar @$a == scalar @$b
63 29 12235 unless _compare_deeply($a->[$i], $b->[$i])
66 0 1282 unless scalar keys %$a == scalar keys %$b
69 13 2473 unless exists $b->{$name} and _compare_deeply($a->{$name}, $b->{$name})
72 21 14764 unless $a eq $b
75 20 6484 if defined $a or defined $b
95 1 3 unless $attributes and $attributes->{'class'}