Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 94 100 94.0

line true false branch
22 27 45 if @_ > 1
55 60 68 if not @trace and $skip_re and $l[0] =~ /$skip_re/
81 1 69 if looks_like_number $_
82 55 14 if ref $_
94 6 363 if ($param =~ s/^nr!(\d+),//) { }
35 328 elsif ($param =~ s/^nr!(\w+),//) { }
12 316 elsif ($param =~ s/^nr%(\d+)(?:=(\d+))?,//) { }
199 117 elsif ($param =~ s/^nr=(\d+|\$),//) { }
95 4 2 unless $nr == $1
99 33 2 unless length $ENV{$1} and $nr == $ENV{$1}
103 8 4 unless $nr % $1 == ($2 // 0)
105 85 114 if ($1 eq '$') { }
106 49 36 unless $nr == @{$$I{'frames'};}
108 69 45 unless $nr == $1
112 2 204 if ($param =~ s/^c=//) { }
41 163 elsif ($param =~ s/^s=//) { }
113 0 2 if $cutoff <= 0
114 2 2 $1 eq 'C' ? :
119 2 76 $param eq 't' ? :
85 78 $param eq 'n' ? :
129 45 62 if ($width eq '*') { }
10 52 elsif ($width eq '-*') { }
139 2 58 if (my $eval = $$frame{'evaltext'})
140 0 2 if $$frame{'is_require'}
147 45 1 if s/^skip_package// and $s =~ s/^.*:://
154 0 46 unless $$frame{'hasargs'}
160 3 53 if /^dump$/
161 5 48 if m[^dump=(?!/)(.+)$]
162 1 47 if m[^dump=/(.+)/$]
163 39 8 if /^env=(.+)/
164 3 5 if /^deparse$/
165 5 0 if /^multiline(?:=(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?$/
167 5 41 if (@ml) { }
168 2 13 _use_dumper(\%p) ? :
0 15 !defined($_) ? :
177 29 26 _use_dumper(\%p) ? :
1 55 !defined($_) ? :
192 3 13 if s/^skip_prefix=// and $fn =~ s/^\Q$_\E//
193 10 3 if s/^basename$// and $fn =~ s[^.*/][]
195 2 53 if $width > 0 and length $fn > $width
196 2 51 if $width < 0 and length $fn > -$width
207 1 1 $$frame{'wantarray'} ? :
2 2 !defined($$frame{'wantarray'}) ? :
218 1 1 if s/^skip_prefix=// and $pn =~ s/^\Q$_\E//
220 2 6 if $width > 0 and length $pn > $width
221 2 4 if $width < 0 and length $pn > -$width
232 6 19 if $ENV{$var} =~ /^(?:off|no|0)$/i
235 4 15 unless (length $fmt)
237 1 3 if $fmt =~ /^env=(\w+)(,|$)/ and exists $seen{$1}
257 0 698 $1 ? :